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Running in High Temperatures: Expert Advice and Tips for Optimal Performance and Recovery

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Running in High Temperatures: Expert Advice and Tips for Optimal Performance and Recovery

Is it Good or Bad to Run in These High Temperatures? What is to Be Done After These Efforts? Expert Advice

Being able to lose weight through running is one of the goals of people who love sports and intend to get fit with their body and mind.

Humidity can create problems when it comes to running in high temperatures. With the heat that is currently enveloping Italy, is it worth it? We know that this heat tends to make the desire go away.

Usually, experts and instructors do not recommend running during the central hours of hot days. It would be better to choose early in the morning when the sun isn’t beating down yet, or late in the evening in view of the sunset. The humidity also makes the effort and breath needed during the race more challenging.

Alessio Camilli, an athletic trainer, provides some tips for running in these high temperatures. He suggests warming up for 1-2 minutes before starting to run instead of running directly, without overexerting oneself.

After workouts, Camilli recommends not overdoing it with water but instead focusing on consuming mineral salts. He claims that our body and metabolism don’t have time to fully absorb water alone. It is also beneficial to consume sugars and glucose to replenish the body.

According to Camilli, if one officially begins to perform physical activity, it is good to draw up a table with different exercises and running times during the week. This allows for a gradual increase in effort and improvement, leading to more fat burn.

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Running in high temperatures can have its challenges, but with proper preparation and hydration, it can still be a beneficial exercise. Listening to expert advice, choosing the right times to run, and taking care of the body’s needs after the workout are essential for achieving desired fitness goals.

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