Home » Pro Consumer Initiates Sanction Process against JetBlue for Consumer Rights Violations

Pro Consumer Initiates Sanction Process against JetBlue for Consumer Rights Violations

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Pro Consumer Initiates Sanction Process against JetBlue for Consumer Rights Violations

Title: Pro Consumer Initiates Sanction Process against JetBlue for Consumer Rights Violations

The National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumer) has announced its decision to start a sanction process against the airline company US JetBlue. Eddy Alcántara, the executive director of Pro Consumer, revealed that this action comes as a response to verified breaches against consumer rights, in accordance with the provisions of Law 358-05.

Alcántara has urged JetBlue customers to approach Pro Consumer and formally present their claims or complaints. This will enable the legal body of the entity to analyze the possible violations or effects committed against their rights as users of the airline. Alcántara emphasized that in the event of fraud being verified to the detriment of users by JetBlue, Pro Consumer will proceed to sanction the airline as per the established regulations.

He further stated, “As soon as consumers who feel that their rights have been violated make their formal claims in this institution, we will immediately proceed to make the corresponding inquiries to verify if there really was a scam. If verified, we will begin the process of the corresponding sanction.”

Alcántara highlighted that Pro Consumer has the authority to initiate action ex officio, but it is preferred that consumers actively participate in the process by reporting violations to their rights. This will enable the entity to initiate a disciplinary process and resolve any form of damage caused to users of the airline.

In a reminder of previous warnings issued, Alcántara recalled that Pro Consumer had cautioned JetBlue last year to ensure compliance with the services they offer, due to constant complaints from consumers. Initially, complaints decreased following this warning. However, various clients have since complained about delays and last-minute flight cancellations to and from the Dominican Republic, prompting Pro Consumer to take further action.

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Alcántara stressed that according to the law, companies are obliged to provide consumers with quality goods and services, as well as clear and truthful information.

Pro Consumer’s decision to launch a sanction process against JetBlue serves as a strong reminder to all airlines that the rights and interests of consumers must be given utmost priority.

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