Home » A Journey Through the Liminal State: ATTEMPT’s 2023 Autumn/Winter Collection

A Journey Through the Liminal State: ATTEMPT’s 2023 Autumn/Winter Collection

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A Journey Through the Liminal State: ATTEMPT’s 2023 Autumn/Winter Collection

ATTEMPT, the renowned fashion brand, has unveiled its highly anticipated 2023 Autumn/Winter series with the theme of “Liminal State”. The collection aims to construct an overhead world that combines everyday practical clothing logic and classic uniform prototypes, showcasing the brand’s commitment to blending design aesthetics with functionality.

The term “liminal” was originally proposed by Victor W. Turner in his groundbreaking “Anthropological Research”. It refers to an interstitial sensory state, describing the uncertainty experienced during a turning point. In this state, rituals and symbols emerge, leading individuals into a space where boundaries become blurred. Drawing inspiration from this concept, ATTEMPT tells the story of making individuals coexist in a liminal state, creating collections that explore the possibilities and crises that arise.

The new collection innovates by integrating elements from military uniforms and incorporating detachable and interspersed designs. This emphasis on applicability and the ability to change equipment combinations allows for increased freedom in real-scene applications. Additionally, the brand focuses on the exploration of natural and biological structures, taking inspiration from the shell-like back structure of Collembola insects. This unique design element is applied to the structural design of the clothing, adding a touch of creativity and artistic flare. The contour of butterfly wings is also used in details such as collar shape and placket, enhancing the visual appeal. The collection incorporates collage designs inspired by the blocky combination of earth rocks, as well as a camouflage pattern that simulates the combination of terrain plates structure. These design contexts interweave throughout the collection, creating a distinctive sense of coldness and strength.

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ATTEMPT’s methodology for this series is to find inspiration in the figurative and pursue change within existing boundaries. Each piece in the collection embodies this philosophy, presenting a unique personality portrait of the wandering traveler. The collection captures the essence of the brand, depicting the spiritual world pursued by ATTEMPT.

Fashion enthusiasts and fans of the brand were eagerly waiting for the unveiling of the ATTEMPT 2023 Autumn/Winter series, and the collection did not disappoint. With its innovative designs, integration of military elements, and exploration of natural structures, ATTEMPT continues to cement its position as one of the fashion industry’s most influential brands.

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