Home » Ignoring the chaos in Afghanistan, the CCP CGTN interviewed and spoke for the Taliban | The Taliban seized power | CCTV |

Ignoring the chaos in Afghanistan, the CCP CGTN interviewed and spoke for the Taliban | The Taliban seized power | CCTV |

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[New Tang Dynasty Beijing time August 20, 2021]The extremist religious organization Taliban seizes power in Afghanistan. While the world is paying attention to the chaos in the country, the CCP has continuously used official media to whitewash and beautify the past brutal image of the Taliban. China Global Television Network (CGTN), the official media of the Communist Party of China, recently interviewed Taliban spokespersons to promote how Afghanistan is “safe and stable” and how the Taliban “develops tolerance.” The Taliban also publicly advocated that the CCP “contributes to the construction of Afghanistan.”

On August 19, the CGTN host video interviewed Taliban spokesperson Shahin, and the CCTV news client broadcasted the interview video.

In an exclusive interview, Shaheen declared that the current capital of Kabul “has returned to normal life” and “urban security continues to improve.” The Taliban is “negotiating” with all parties in Afghanistan and is expected to form an “open and inclusive” together with non-Taliban parties soon. Islamic government”. He said that a “ruling committee”, the highest authority, will be established, and the chairman of the committee will be the leader of the Taliban.

Shaheen also mentioned that China is a “big country with a huge economy and capabilities.” The Taliban has a good relationship with the CCP. In the future, he hopes that the CCP can “contribute to the construction of Afghanistan.” This is the first time that the Taliban has publicly accepted an interview with the Chinese Communist Party’s official media after regaining power in Afghanistan, and used this to express its stance to the Chinese Communist Party.

After the Taliban seized power, they have been seeking the voice of the international media. Earlier, she suddenly called the BBC female anchor who was broadcasting live, claiming that the Taliban “is the servant of the people and the country” and will “ensure the safety of the people’s property and lives, and respect women’s rights”. Nowadays, the CCP’s high-profile external propaganda interview has undoubtedly opened a channel for the Taliban to promote the world.

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As early as August 17, the third day of the Taliban’s seizure of power, the Chinese Communist Party’s CCTV broadcasted a video interview with the senior Taliban leader Hashimi, claiming that the Taliban would establish a state-religious government, because parliamentary democracy is in place. Afghanistan “has no foundation.” CCTV claimed that the video was an interview by a certain media, but did not mention which media it came from.

At the same time, the major media of the Chinese Communist Party are working hard to “cleanse” the Taliban and “dispel rumors” against the bloody violence in Afghanistan.

An atmosphere of panic prevails in Afghanistan

As the Taliban publicizes how Afghanistan is “safe and stable” and how the Taliban “develops tolerance”, there is an atmosphere of terror in the Taliban.

The British “Daily Telegraph” reported on August 19 that, according to a confidential UN document, the Taliban have stepped up their tracing of locals who have worked for British, American and NATO forces. The report said that they threatened and held the families of these people door-to-door, took them as hostages, and forced the target to surrender.

According to media reports, the Taliban are investigating house-to-house and list unmarried or widowed women aged 12 to 45 in the territory, planning to force them to “marry” them to Taliban fighters.

After the Taliban entered the capital Kabul, fear and despair Afghans rushed into the Kabul International Airport to try to escape by boarding military planes from European and American countries. The US Department of Defense said a few days ago that the military has deployed additional military aircraft and is expected to evacuate 9,000 people every day. Despite this, there are still many Afghans who could not squeeze on American planes and ventured onto the landing gear of the plane. Some were pinched to death by the landing gear, and some fell to the ground after the plane took off and died tragically.

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What happened at the British station near Kabul Airport was even more heartbreaking. Because the situation was out of control, British soldiers had to use vehicles and barbed wire to set up barricades to separate the Afghan people who came in for help. The desperate Afghan woman threw the baby in her arms to the British soldiers through the barbed wire fence, shouting “Save my child”, some babies did not throw it over and hung on the barbed wire fence. The tragic scene kept the British soldiers awake at night.

Afghan film director Sahra Karimi said in a distress letter released on Twitter a few days ago that in the provinces controlled by the Taliban, 2 million girls were forced to drop out of school within a few weeks. The Taliban once killed a woman just because she was dressed up. They gouged out a woman’s eyes alive. They tortured and killed Afghan artists, poets, and government officials, and publicly hanged civilians, creating a humanitarian disaster.

The Taliban copied the CCP’s work

The Taliban’s tactics of intimidating and whitewashing peace and engaging in united front are accused of being the same as the CCP’s tactics when it seized power.

On August 16, the spokesperson of the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua Chunying, suspected of instructing the Taliban’s “united front strategy” in the air, saying “I hope that the Afghan Taliban will unite with various parties and ethnic groups in Afghanistan to establish a broad and inclusive environment that suits Afghanistan’s own national conditions. Political framework”.

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In addition, the Taliban persisted in guerrilla warfare for 20 years and used the method of “surrounding cities from rural areas” to seize power, which is similar to Mao Zedong’s strategy back then. The Taliban’s “grabbing of large households”, wives and daughters, and brutal massacres to create terror in the occupied areas are almost exactly the same as the CCP’s land reform tactics.

In an interview with Western media in the 1990s, the Taliban bluntly stated that “Selected Works of Mao Zedong” was “the most enlightening book” for them. An interview in 2010 by the CCP media Southern Weekend revealed that Mao Zedong’s “On Protracted Warfare” has become the Taliban’s “military secrets”. Back then, the CCP’s Eighth Route Army’s guerrilla warfare, mine warfare, and tunnel warfare, the Taliban learned a lot. As a result, in order to deal with the Taliban, the US military in Afghanistan also listed “On Protracted Warfare” as a must-read book for military officers.

The Taliban have been in close contact with the CCP and Russia for many years. In recent years, the CCP has made its interaction with the Taliban public. On the eve of the Taliban’s seizure of power, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China also hosted a Taliban delegation in Tianjin with high standards. Netizens laughed and said that after years of “communication”, the Taliban should have learned a lot from the “big brother” of the Chinese Communist Party.

(Reporter Zheng Gusheng Comprehensive Report / Chief Editor: Lin Qing)

The URL of this article: http://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/08/20/a103195229.html

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