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New form of fine cameras in Cali

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New form of fine cameras in Cali

The statistics in relation to the repeated invasions suffered by the exclusive lane of the MIO in Cali, in addition to being evident, are disconcerting.

200 vehicles are fined daily for this infraction in the capital of the Valley, mostly by motorcyclists, who omit the exclusivity of these roads.

Likewise, more than four thousand subpoenas have been imposed so far this year, due to invasion of the exclusive lanes of the Massive Integrated of the West.

This road violation is the third most violated by drivers in the capital of the Valley; Since the national outbreak, the lack of road culture for these exclusive corridors has intensified.

Possible solution

The Cali Ministry of Mobility in view of this situation approved and announced the installation of photo fines on the front of the MÍO buses and in stations of the massive system.

This pilot plan for the installation of mobile photodetection cameras on public service buses was approved by the Ministry of Transportation.


“The agency was empowered” to use automatic and semi-automatic photodetection systems, to control these people who irrationally insist on using a lane for what is for the exclusive use of transportation, “said William Vallejo, Secretary of Mobility of the capital of the Valley.

The cameras would be installed in the front part of Mío to capture the license plates of motorcycles and cars invading these roads. This control system is protected by law,

The Secretariat is studying the installation of fixed photodetection cameras in stations, trunks and terminals of the system.

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This will serve to control lanes such as those of Carrera 15, the Troncal de Aguablanca and even Calle Quinta, which are used, especially by motorcyclists, to avoid traffic jams and advance without obstacles and at a higher speed.

Statistics from the Cali Mobility Secretariat

1. 4,736 drivers were caught trespassing in the MIO lane from January 1 to July 21.

2. 202 fines of this type are imposed daily in the capital of the Valley.

3. The cycle paths and platforms, which are spaces for use by the most vulnerable mobility actors, have resulted in more than 21,000 notifications to offenders and more than 1,600 immobilized vehicles.

4. In 2022, 16,951 subpoenas were imposed and 1,080 vehicles were immobilized.

5. Motorcycles have the highest number of fines and immobilizations, by the year 2022 9,728 offenders were notified and 990 immobilized.

6. This year there are 2,697 and 463 respectively, followed by this means of transport are cars, vans, campers, trucks and buses.


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