Home » XR Will Replace Mobile Phones by 2030 and AI May Lead to Unemployment, Says HTC Executive

XR Will Replace Mobile Phones by 2030 and AI May Lead to Unemployment, Says HTC Executive

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XR Will Replace Mobile Phones by 2030 and AI May Lead to Unemployment, Says HTC Executive

Title: HTC Vice President Predicts XR to Replace Mobile Phones by 2030 and AI to Lead to Job Loss

Subtitle: Wang Congqing shares insights on XR industry growth, Apple’s entry, and the impact of AI in a dialogue with Sohu Technology

In a recent interview with Sohu Technology, Wang Congqing, Global Vice President of Corporate Development at HTC, shared his optimistic outlook on the XR (Extended Reality) industry. With nearly 28 years of management experience in the field of science and technology, Wang predicts that XR devices will surpass mobile phones in sales and become the next generation of computing devices by 2030.

Wang highlighted that humans naturally live in a three-dimensional environment, yet the technology used today only provides a two-dimensional experience. He believes that integrating XR technology into our daily lives will enable more dimensional interactions. However, Wang acknowledges that certain challenges, such as battery life, weight, and chip performance, need to be addressed before XR devices can fully replace mobile phones.

Regarding Apple’s entry into the XR industry with its upcoming MR (Mixed Reality) headset, Wang sees it as a positive development that will expand the market and address the issue of insufficient XR content. He believes Apple’s high price point will lead to a healthier market, contrasting it with other companies, like Meta, that have been selling at a loss.

With regards to AI, Wang foresees its profound impact on various industries, including XR. He explains that AI-generated content can significantly improve production efficiency, suggesting that half of the art workers in a friend’s studio have already been replaced by AI. Furthermore, Wang predicts that AI will potentially replace professions such as translators, reporters, and artists in the future, though higher-level professionals may still be relevant.

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However, Wang also acknowledges that the transition brought about by AI will lead to job loss, with an estimated 30 to 40 percent of people potentially becoming unemployed in the next two to three years. He believes this momentum cannot be stopped and emphasizes the need for individuals to adapt and find suitable roles in the changing landscape of work.

In conclusion, Wang’s insights shed light on the XR industry’s growth prospects, the impact of Apple’s entry, and the significant role AI is playing in shaping various sectors, including XR. As technology continues to advance, the XR industry is expected to see further development and rapid adoption, ultimately reshaping how we interact with digital content and potentially leading to significant changes in the job market.

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