Home » Five foods make your metabolism really slow

Five foods make your metabolism really slow

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Five foods make your metabolism really slow

A well-functioning metabolism is important for the body. In order to keep the metabolism going in the long term, you should avoid five foods.

Do you suffer from water retention, feel sluggish or suffer from constipation? These are all ugly things, but they have a common origin: the metabolism is seriously out of balance.

This is mostly due to an unbalanced diet. These five foods in particular inhibit the metabolism in particular.

Soybeans – caution with thyroid disorders

Let’s start with the most controversial food. Soy is widely hailed as a good source of protein – and there’s no doubt that the bean provides important nutrients.

However, if consumed in excess, it can affect the thyroid in some people.

Soy products that are certified organic and fermented, such as tempeh, are recommended.

Flour, pasta and white rice – hardly any nutrients

The white flour, which is mainly used in pasta and bread, provides the body with hardly any nutrients that could boost the metabolic process.

The result: the metabolism switches to energy-saving mode. The gluten contained in the refined grain, as well as starch and phytic acid, put additional strain on the body.

Alcohol – inhibits metabolism

It doesn’t matter whether it’s beer, wine or sparkling wine – alcoholic beverages inhibit the metabolism and thus the burning of fat. The digestive enzymes are slowed down and many other digestive processes are blocked. This means that fat is stored in the cells.

At the same time, alcohol inhibits the formation of the growth hormone testosterone. Alcohol consumption is counterproductive, especially if you are trying to build muscle.

See also  Pancreas: These foods protect it

Refined Sugar – Beware Cravings

The metabolic bad boy is an old acquaintance: sugar causes insulin levels in the body to skyrocket, which puts a huge strain on the pancreas, which secretes insulin.

During this time, the body neglects the metabolism. However, the vicious circle is then already open: the pancreas often works so intensively after a sugar rush that it overshoots the target and hypoglycaemia occurs.

The result: lack of concentration, less performance and the next food cravings.

Soft drinks – don’t fall into the sugar trap

It’s not surprising that sodas and energy drinks slow down your metabolism. They are full of sugar and, as already mentioned, refined sugar inhibits fat burning and promotes the storage of excess carbohydrates in fat deposits.

At the same time, the sugary drinks promote a strong appetite or even ravenous appetite attacks, since the blood sugar level rises too quickly and then falls again rapidly.

Researchers from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found in a study that even a high-protein diet reduced fat burning when drinking soda with meals.

Conclusion: It is best to eliminate sugary drinks entirely from your diet.

These tips will boost your metabolism

Have a glass of grapefruit juice or lemon water or a small ginger shot in the morning. One or two cups of green tea also boost the metabolism. Drink more than two liters of water and unsweetened tea a day. Spice up your food with chili, cinnamon or ginger. Get enough sleep – at least seven to eight hours Eat enough protein. Incorporate strength training into your workout routine instead of cardio. The formula: The more muscle, the more fat is burned at rest

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