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“Bachelorette” shock: he didn’t tell Jennifer that …?! | Entertainment

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“Bachelorette” shock: he didn’t tell Jennifer that …?!  |  Entertainment

THIS is how you can flirt yourself offside…

At the mountain festival on the dating show, 14 young men were still hoping for a rose from Bachelorette Jennifer Saro (27). Nobody can afford to make mistakes anymore. Nevertheless, candidate Oguzhan (27) made a big mistake.

The single lady hadn’t even noticed that there was a little macho in the fleet manager. It was only during a one-on-one conversation that Jennifer listened and almost lost faith. She had invited five of her admirers to a group date with a pack of cute dogs. The bachelorette wanted to test how caring the men’s quintet is.

Oguzhan showed his best side. But then he chatted out of the box, asked Jennifer straight out at the beach bar: “How do you actually deal with jealous men if they are possessive, for example?” Her energetic head shaking actually seemed to surprise him. Surprised, the Hamburger asked: “Don’t you like it at all?”

Oguzhan (right) and Adrian want to fight for Jennifer among themselves

Photo: RTL

The bachelorette was not expecting anything good at that moment. In fact, the person opposite will quickly claim ownership and apparently thinks it’s totally okay. Oguzhan to Jennifer: “I’m not jealous now, but you belong to me. And I don’t want other men to look at you or get the idea to talk to you.”

The influencer was totally shocked and speechless at first. Here opinions differed widely. Jennifer’s objection: A relationship is based on trust. And if he has a pretty girlfriend, he has to reckon with other people looking at her too. What is actually self-evident, Oguzhans did not want to make sense. He trusts her, but not the male world, is his comment.

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In the one-to-one interview, the statements of the muscular macho didn’t get any better. The candidate was only really getting going and apparently also wants to have a say in the outfit of his future wife. Oguzhan mused, “Of course, if you’re dressed nicely and the cleavage is a little too big… Or if the dress is so tight that you can see one or two underwear – sure, then you attract these men.” And exactly such situations he would like to avoid.

Jennifer gets along well with Gianluca, is it enough for him for the rose?

Photo: RTL

In the case of the Bachelorette, the 26-year-old was completely in trouble with these views. Jennifer could only smile wearily at his protestations that he wasn’t jealous. She didn’t believe a word he said. Her opinion was clear: “I think Oguzhan is a jealous man. He just doesn’t want to say it in my presence because he knows it doesn’t go down well with me.” She herself can deal with jealousy, but doesn’t want to.

However, the rose ceremony ended with a surprise. Anyone who believed that the candidate had shot himself out with his unsuccessful flirting maneuver was amazed. Oguzhan still advanced one lap.

Pedro (31) and Oliver (27) had to go. Sports scientist Yannick (30) had previously said goodbye voluntarily. The spark didn’t fly with him until the very end.

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