Home » Selenskyj speaks of heavy fighting – DW – August 4th, 2023

Selenskyj speaks of heavy fighting – DW – August 4th, 2023

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Selenskyj speaks of heavy fighting – DW – August 4th, 2023

The essentials in brief:

Heavy fighting in southern and eastern Ukraine
US again criticizes Moscow’s exit from the grain deal
Norway on Russia’s list of “unfriendly countries”

In his nightly speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensyk recalled the heavy fighting in the east and south of the country. “The occupiers are trying with all their might to stop our boys. The attacks are very brutal,” Zelenskyj said in his nightly video speech.

Only a few days ago, Selenskyj traveled to the Donetsk region in the east of the countryImage: Ukrainian Presidential/ZUMA Wire/IMAGO

He referred to several centers in the east where fighting is raging. “Everything is difficult in the south. But whatever the enemy does, it is Ukrainian strength that dominates.”

Counter-offensive is progressing only with difficulty

The Ukrainian army launched a long-awaited counter-offensive in June, but so far has made only modest progress. Fighting is currently going on in Kupiansk, Lyman and Bakhmut as well as on the southern front, said President Zelenskyj.

Dangerous recapture in Ukraine

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In the late summer and fall of 2022, Ukraine made relatively quick gains in territory around Cherson and Kharkiv. But meanwhile the Russian positions are better consolidated. Kiev had warned that the counteroffensive could drag on and asked its allies for additional arms supplies.

“Disgusting” conditions in recruitment centers

In his recent video speech, Zelensky not only addressed the situation on the front sections, but also the situation in the Ukrainian recruitment centers. He had a long conversation with Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko and the head of the Ukrainian security service, Vasyl Maljuk, on the subject. An investigation of the recruitment centers in Ukraine would have revealed numerous outrageous abuses. “They are just disgusting,” said Zelenskyj.

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A recruitment center in the city of LvivImage: Pavlo Palamarchuk /AA/picture alliance

In the future, recruiting centers should employ people who have experienced what war means and who understand the value of protecting Ukraine. The head of a recruitment center in Odessa was arrested last month on corruption charges. Tougher action against corruption is one of the conditions for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

US accuses Russia of “blackmail”.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has accused Russia of “blackmail” over its exit from the grain deal. “Every member of the United Nations should call on Moscow to stop using the Black Sea for blackmail,” Blinken said at a UN Security Council meeting on food security. “There must finally be an end to using the weakest people as leverage. Stop this unjustified, unscrupulous war,” said Blinken.

Ukrainian grain exports overland expensive: Matin Qaim

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About two weeks ago, Russia pulled out of the grain deal that allowed Ukraine to export grain across the Black Sea despite the war. Last year almost 33 million tons of grain were exported from Ukrainian ports. Russia’s exit from the agreement has led to rising grain prices around the world.

For its part, Moscow is demanding guarantees for its own exports, including fertilizers. As long as the “unlawful obstacles” with which the West impedes exports of agricultural products from Russia exist, it is impossible to address food security issues, said Russia’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky.

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Moscow also classifies Norway as “unfriendly”.

The Russian government has declared Norway an “unfriendly state”. Among other things, the decree provides for restrictions on the employment of Russian citizens as embassy or consular staff, according to the government website. Norway should therefore not exceed the maximum number of 27 local employees nationwide. The Russian government began compiling a list of “unfriendly states” in 2021 following a decree by President Vladimir Putin.

The Norwegian-Russian border is around 200 kilometers longImage: Annika Byrde/NTB/AP/picture alliance

Around 50 states are now on the list, including Germany, France, the USA, Ukraine and the EU as a group of states. As a result, the work of the diplomatic missions of the respective countries is significantly restricted. Norway borders Russia in the north for almost 200 kilometers. It is also the home of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Norway expelled 15 Russian diplomats in April following a spy scandal. In response, Russia summoned the Norwegian ambassador and expelled ten Norwegian diplomats from the country.

haz/bru (dpa, afp, rtr, ap)

This article will be continuously updated on the day of its publication. Reports from the combat zones cannot be independently verified.

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