Home » Calderone, ‘work is the real remedy for poverty, 506 million received unduly’ – News

Calderone, ‘work is the real remedy for poverty, 506 million received unduly’ – News

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Calderone, ‘work is the real remedy for poverty, 506 million received unduly’ – News

“Our solicitude and attention to the risks of social marginalization are evident and undeniable. However, we do not give up seeing work as the true remedy for poverty. While aware that the need is generally multidimensional and that income poverty is often accompanied by educational poverty and other signs of social deprivation we continue to believe that work is always the best way to provide a lasting remedy to conditions of poverty”. The minister said Marina Calderone in a report to the Senate on Citizenship Income.

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They are 159,000 text messages sent to beneficiaries of the basic income for the suspension of the measure since August 117,317 they were sent to single-person households. The Minister of Labor, Marina Calderone said it in a report to the Senate.

Between 2019 and 2023, 35,737 irregular users were intercepted from the control activity on the recipients of the Citizenship Income carried out by the National Labor Inspectorate and the Carabinieri. The Minister of Labor, Marina Calderone said it in a report to the Senate. Furthermore, she underlines “the checks carried out by the Guardia di Finanza starting from the introduction of the Income and until the first half of 2023 result in the contributions unduly received or unduly requested for an amount of 506 million”. The Carabinieri command for job protection – he adds – has numerous investigations underway. Added to this is the INPS control activity”.

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It is important not to fan the flames as many have said”. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said. answering a question about the protests over the government’s tightening of the basic income. “There is no reason to fear because the Government will implement all the compensatory measures for what has been revised – he added -. I think the first signs are satisfactory, we will follow everything according to the prevention logic that has always animated us” .

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