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How Brazil nut affects health | Magazine

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How Brazil nut affects health |  Magazine

Is Brazil nut a myth or a super food?

Source: Mondo

The new trend of healthy nutrition, which is based on food of plant origin, exotic fruits and nuts, is becoming more and more popular. That’s how the exotic nut of the Brazil nut found its way onto the market highly positioned ladder of health benefits. Native to the Amazon rainforest, growing on a tree, Brazil nuts have a bean-like shape with a hard outer shell and a creamy, buttery inner seed or nut. They are rich in nutrients and selenium, which is a consequence of growing in the soil of the Amazon.

“The selenium content in the soil in the Amazon River Basin is very high, so Brazil nuts from this area have about 400 times more selenium than any other nut,” explained Dinesk Edem, specialist in endocrinology, thyroid disorders and diabetes, director of the Weight Loss Clinic at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

“They are Brazil nuts an excellent source of other minerals, as well as protein and fiber, but also fat. The healthy, unsaturated fats and fiber in Brazil nuts are recommended for improving heart health, and the high fat content makes these nuts high in calories, so you need to be mindful of how much you eat throughout the day,” said Kristin Deeley, a dietitian at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. .

A serving of Brazil nuts (about two whole kernels) contains about one gram of fiber and about a gram of selenium, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. Growing and harvesting Brazil nuts is hard work, which is mostly done by the local population, writes RTS. When the body lacks selenium, problems with the thyroid gland occur, especially in women, cardiovascular problems occur, as well as certain types of cancer.

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If selenium is in excess, we have it feeling sick, problems with digestion, nerves, hair breakage, bad breath. That is why it is recommended that people who are deficient in selenium take two Brazil nuts a day. The Brazil nut tree can only grow and reproduce in natural rainforests.



Source: Kurir TV


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