Home » Bank account? No, bonds are better: that’s why

Bank account? No, bonds are better: that’s why

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Bank account?  No, bonds are better: that’s why

Mortgage rates are galloping at a frenetic pace, as is inflation, but the interest on the sums deposited in the current account remains at a standstill. The controversies of recent days have in fact reaffirmed the need to find alternative solutions: “Some banking realities -explains Simone Manferdini, one of the main financial experts in our country- are adapting and are offering interesting returns. But in reality the best solution is that of not leaving too much money in one’s current account, even if one’s risk profile wants to remain low.The bond market today is the most appropriate answer because it will be able to guarantee, forecasts clearly state, from 4 to 4.5% An important trend reversal compared to the previous ten years”.

However, even for the most refined analysts, the period is not very simple: “The economic situation -Manferdini continues- does not lend itself to easy reading. So much so that small savers at the moment prefer to wait for better times. Stock market performance data are influenced by six/seven stocks that are literally flying but, in reality, if you look overall, the situation is not rosy at all. Even taking refuge in brick and mortar is no longer a 100 percent winning move. Anyone who has made this choice cannot it will have large margins in the coming year. Faced with this picture, savers, especially the small ones, prefer, as mentioned, to stay on the sidelines. Not only due to a liquidity problem but also due to the many, many unknowns on the horizon. demonstrates the fact that even the so-called accumulation plans are sometimes stopped”.

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What to do then? “The first piece of advice – Manferdini maintains – is not to get carried away by the do-it-yourself but always turn to experts in the sector. A rule that always applies but which today takes on much more value. Investing is a science that needs study and experience. In this historic phase, then, it is necessary to find tools that can beat inflation which, in our sector, is public danger number one.The unlisted market, the so-called real economy, is the best answer at the moment to achieve the goal. There are instruments which have interesting performances but which above all guarantee stability and the future of the entire Italian production system.Private funds which focus on quality companies which thus have the possibility of having cash flow and therefore being able to grow and increase their turnover and, consequently, the returns of those who invest in them”.

A system that is now also open to small savers: “By Consob regulation – Manferdini explains again – you need to have liquid assets of at least 100 thousand euros and of these you can invest up to a maximum of 40%. A sum that must remain unchanged for at least five years but whose returns, looking at the historical series, are very interesting.Private equity, for example, chooses a dozen companies on the basis of the product created, the management and the sector in which they work Companies that are followed for the entire duration of the fund, which allows you to know their performance and their future projections live.With returns that, after the closing, can even double or triple the initial investment.With awareness, moreover , that he has put his money into the real economy, into the one that produces and increases employment. It is estimated that 50,000 new jobs have already been created and the numbers inevitably tend to rise”.

On the other hand, private investment that focuses on newly established companies is called venture capital: “Here the risk is slightly higher – reasons Manferdini – even if today funds often choose activities with balance sheets exceeding one million euros. However, the historical series explains that, even here, brilliant results can be obtained after 5 years, with the investment that can be multiplied by 2 or by 3. Choosing the best solution today is decidedly important -concludes Manferdini. they say that reading future trends carefully in this phase of uncertainty will, with reasonable certainty, give satisfaction over the next five years. For this reason too, I repeat, relying on experts in the sector is more important than ever today”.

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