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Ukraine Bolsters Military Engineering Units to Counter Russian Mines and Fortifications

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Ukraine Bolsters Military Engineering Units to Counter Russian Mines and Fortifications

Title: Ukrainians Bolster Military Engineering Units to Tackle Russian Minefields

Subtitle: Ukrainian Army Increases Training and Deployment of Engineering Battalions to Counter Russian Defensive Fortifications

Date: [Insert Date]

The Ukrainian military has recently announced plans to intensify the training and deployment of specialized engineering battalions in order to effectively deal with the extensive minefields and other defensive fortifications created by Russian forces. Brigadier General Dmytro Hereha, the Army Support Forces commander, revealed during a briefing on Saturday that the enemy has established a complex engineering barrier system in the occupied territories, consisting of multiple strips spanning 10 to 40 kilometers each, with a high density of mines.

The enemy’s comprehensive barrier system includes various obstacles such as anti-tank minefields, anti-tank ditches, concrete pyramids (commonly referred to as “dragon’s teeth”), and wire obstacles. Significantly, the enemy has employed insidious tactics in laying mines, making them nearly impossible to detect remotely.

Brigadier General Hereha emphasized the urgent need for a substantial number of engineering units and sappers to overcome these formidable obstacles. Unfortunately, the current supply of specialized engineering equipment falls short when faced with the extensive nature of the fortifications. Consequently, the Ukrainian military has already formed five engineering battalions, with approximately 200 soldiers trained abroad, while an additional 150 servicemembers are currently undergoing training outside of Ukraine.

To aid in the clearance of explosive and non-explosive barriers, partner countries have provided support to the Ukrainian engineering units. Brigadier General Hereha highlighted the receipt of up to 100 special equipment units, which include material and technical assistance necessary to create pathways through the formidable obstacles.

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Over the past two months, the density of minefields along the front lines in the south has posed a significant challenge for Ukrainian forces. Last week, a senior Ukrainian official noted that certain areas are reportedly littered with up to three mines per square meter.

With the increased training and deployment of engineering units, the Ukrainian military aims to improve its ability to navigate and counter the dense Russian minefields and other defensive structures. By fortifying their engineering capabilities, Ukrainian forces hope to enhance their operational effectiveness and protect civilian populations in the conflict-affected regions.

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