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Pope Francis Urges Church to Embrace All and Pray for Peace at Fatima Pilgrimage

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Pope Francis Urges Church to Embrace All and Pray for Peace at Fatima Pilgrimage

Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Urges Church to Accommodate Everyone at Pilgrimage Site of Fatima

Fatima, Portugal – In a heartfelt plea for peace, Pope Francis once again made a pilgrimage to the holy site of Fatima, reciting the Rosary with the faithful in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. The Pope urged the Church to have “no doors” and to “accommodate everyone”.

During his visit, Pope Francis implored the Church to pray for peace, saying, “The Virgin Mary said in Fatima: ‘I want people to say the Rosary for peace.’ May the Virgin Mary bring our prayers to the world so that it may enjoy lasting peace.”

The Pope arrived half an hour earlier than scheduled, taking a helicopter from Lisbon to Fatima. The journey from the helipad to the shrine was filled with excitement as enthusiastic people lined the road to welcome him. The Pope greeted them from an open-top car, exchanging words with children and young people along the way.

Upon his arrival at the pilgrimage site, the Pope approached the statue of the Virgin Mary in a wheelchair, holding a bouquet of flowers to be offered to her. After a moment of silent reflection, he placed a string of golden rosary beads at her feet as a token of his devotion.

This marked Pope Francis’ second pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima, with his previous visit in 2017 commemorating the apparitions to three young shepherd children. On this occasion, the Pope led the Rosary recitation, joined by six inmates and disabled youth, praying for peace.

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Bishop José Ornelas Carvalho, the bishop of Fatima, expressed his gratitude to the Pope during the prayer, saying, “We pray with you for peace, with particular regard to the war in Ukraine and conflicts that have erupted in many other parts of the world. All this places an extremely heavy burden on the lives and futures of children and young people in particular.”

In addition to his focus on peace, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of joy within the Church. He urged the Church to be a “house of joy” and to welcome everybody. “The church has no doors, so that everyone can enter,” he said, highlighting the accessibility of the pilgrimage site which welcomes all who seek solace in the Virgin Mary.

Describing the gestures of the Virgin Mary, the Pope explained, “She embraces us, to ‘receive’ us, and she points to Jesus with her finger.” He invited the faithful to reflect on where Our Lady is guiding them in their lives, asking, “Mother Mary, where are you pointing me? What worries you, moves you in my life? Is there anything in my life that concerns you? What do you want to point out?”

Despite the poignancy of the visit, the Pope brought blessings and joy to all present. Children received white crosses as gifts, and amidst singing and cheers, he returned to the helipad and departed for Lisbon to continue the activities of the World Youth Day.

For more information, visit the Vatican News Network website: [www.vaticannews.cn](www.vaticannews.cn)

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