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The country in the hands of the underworld

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The country in the hands of the underworld

This week the videos that show the complex situation faced by cargo carriers on the Caribbean Coast went around the country, where on some roads, such as the Ruta del Sol, groups of men armed with machetes, sticks and stones cross each other to force the drivers to stop and steal everything they carry.

It is outrageous, but it is even more outrageous that the Police admit that they have identified the points where this occurs and that their main recommendation for truckers is to tell them to travel in a caravan, to take a companion and that, in the event of being victims of these land pirates call the quadrant

This is a new phenomenon, only a few months old, what stimulates it? Some will say that hunger and poverty, a totally invalid justification, because other people in a difficult economic situation go out every day to search honestly to survive.

Clearly, the justification of crime based on the lack of opportunities, which is part of the discourse of the government of President Gustavo Petro, has become a stimulus to commit crimes.

In a totally questionable narrative, from the head of state down, through ministers and senior executive officials, there is language that cleverly turns victimizers into victims.

This is not counting the fact that economic aid is promoted for those who commit crimes and it is about promoting reforms to end some crimes and make others free from prison.

Of course, it is necessary to generate opportunities as a fundamental step to advance towards equality, but it is not from the justification of the crime or from granting economic rewards to those who steal and kill that a better society is built.

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The incentives and prizes should be for those who deserve them.


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