Home » Usa: non farm payrolls below expectations in July (187k), unemployment down to 3.5%

Usa: non farm payrolls below expectations in July (187k), unemployment down to 3.5%

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Usa: non farm payrolls below expectations in July (187k), unemployment down to 3.5%

In July, non farm payrolls amounted to 187 thousand units and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5%. This is what emerges from the data on the US labor market just published.

The number of new jobs is lower than estimated (200,000), while the June survey was revised from 209,000 to 185,000.

Unemployment compares with 3.6% of estimates and the previous month.

As regards the change in average hourly wages, on a monthly basis there is an increase of 0.4% (consensus +0.3% and June +0.4%) while on a trend basis the growth is equal to 4.4% , in line with the previous month and above the 4.2% estimate.

The data will be closely monitored by the Fed ahead of the next monetary policy meeting scheduled for September 19-20, preceded by the Jakson Hole Symposium (August 24-26).

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