Home » Cyclone Maya weather forecast | Info

Cyclone Maya weather forecast | Info

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Cyclone Maya weather forecast |  Info

According to the announcement of the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, the next two days in the Republic of Srpska are possible heavy rains, showers with thunder, sometimes with strong wind.

Source: Mondo – Željko Svitlica

Unstable weather conditions will be expressed especially in the area of ​​Herzegovina and in the northern parts of Republika Srpska. The authorities say that they are ready to welcome the weather, and that there is no reason for greater concern for now.

Unstable weather, with frequent rains and storms, was caused by a cyclone from the north of the Atlantic that descended towards the Mediterranean at the end of the month. Cyclone Maya, which ravaged the countries of the region, will affect our area with less force and intensity, according to meteorologists.

“Precipitation is expected until Tuesday, and it will mostly be light to moderate rain, occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms, but there will be no severe weather or strong winds. From Tuesday, we will have more stable weather with more sunny hours,” said Aleksandra Vujičić, meteorologist, reports RTRS .

Due to the heavy rainfall in a short period of time, it is possible to overflow torrential watercourses, and although the flood wave from Slovenia via Croatia also reaches Serbia, for now there is no greater danger, the Public Institution of Voda Srpska points out.

The population and authorities, however, call for caution.


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