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How to get the 2.5 Gigabit from your operator

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In fact, Vodafone already offers 2.5 Gigabit; Fastweb does this in 30 cities. It seems to me that there was a lack of transparency in activation. An operator has every right to offer a higher speed only in some cities, the most important ones; where it has infrastructure capable of satisfying the speed upgrade and – above all – where there are competitors that push it to this move.

But he also has the duty to clarify the achievable speed before the activity. For subscriptions via the site it does, but the channel chosen by this user may not have been equally transparent (shop or call center).

It doesn’t matter if the ad said “up to 2.5 Gigabit”; but if the operator has promised the 2.5 Gigabit in the activation phase, the user can claim and ask for an upgrade where possible. And, if not possible, he can see whether to ask for a (free) cancellation and see if Vodafone can actually offer him that speed.

It is also possible to wait a few months and settle for gigabit; only a few – mostly business users, professionals with specific needs for frequent transfer of large files and many users connected at the same time – can be really useful the 2.5 Gigabit compared to the “simple” gigabit, which in itself is still a dream for most Italians.

In fact, operators will gradually move to 2.5 Gigabit and (except Fastweb, for now) already this year to 10 Gigabit (which Tim has begun to give to some users).

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