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National Army Day, happy August 7

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National Army Day, happy August 7

The Boyacá Bridge, located 14 kilometers from Tunja, was the site of one of the largest combats that have raged in Colombia.

The Battle of Boyacá occurred on August 7, 1819, marked not only the final point in the warmongering disputes for power in Colombian territory, but also established the independence triumph that the country had drawn on July 20, 1810.

This confrontation has great historical importance in the independence of the country, since it guaranteed the success of the liberation of the Spanish empire with the definitive fall of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Mauricio Salas Esteban, Commander of Artillery Battalion No. 8 San Mateo

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Mauricio Salas Esteban, Commander of Artillery Battalion No. 8 San Mateo in an interview for this medium, in homage to this important historical event, shares that the mission of the army is to defend sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, in addition to protect the civilian population and private resources that generate a calm environment, with security and development, we also work hand in hand with our Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and civil authorities.

It clarifies that, although the department of Risaralda is not a zone of armed conflict, it has a neighboring department that is, which leads them to keep their troops present in the bordering areas, especially in the municipalities of Pueblo Rico and Mistrató.

Today in commemoration of Army Day, they will pay tribute to their predecessors, to those who gave their lives for their country, to those who with love and pride wore camouflage and today are in the ‘heavenly army’.

Labor social

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The Field Artillery Battalion N.8 San Mateo has a section dedicated to comprehensive action which maintains contact with the community, visits the population of the 14 municipalities of Risaralda, listens to their needs and, where possible, “We extend a friendly hand, likewise we have our custodians of the environment who, together with the environmental authorities, contribute to the reforestation of the department” remarked the Colonel.

What is the importance of having the battalion inside the city?

“First of all, it is a historical heritage of Pereira, this year we celebrate 80 years of being here in these facilities, guaranteeing that Pereirans feel safe, being a support for those who need not only the work of our soldiers but also eyes, the services that are provided within the Military Unit, the most important entities of Risaralda are located in the city, such as the Governor’s Office, the Mayor’s Office of Pereira, the Transport Terminal, the neighboring Airport; and the short distance has made it possible on different occasions to avoid complex security situations” replied the soldier.

uniformed values

The principles that the army instills in its men is love for the country, for the family, “Give even your life if necessary to maintain the security of the territory, we are an entire army that works daily to be better every day.”

What is the role of women in the army?

We are in the midst of a society that must offer the same rights to women as to men and for years the Institution already has women, in different areas, Officers and NCOs who also wear camouflage as their second skin, and this year in The Battalion welcomes women who voluntarily wanted to serve in the military to balance responsibilities and demonstrate that love for the homeland is not defined by gender.

Respect for human rights

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Finally, the high command announced that the military are constantly being trained by experts, both from the Governor’s Office and from the Mayor’s Offices, in Human Rights, in addition, within its premises there is always respect for them in any situation that may arise. Today, in commemoration of Army Day, they will pay homage to their predecessors, to those who gave their lives for their country, to those who with love and pride wore the camouflage and today are in the “heavenly army,” through a Eucharist in the Battalion facilities and a Floral Offering.

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