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Health Center: Is the website legit?

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Health Center: Is the website legit?

Health Center” is a website that is well-ranked on Google and has several million visitors per month. But how serious is the platform for all health issues really?

Health Center” is a website that deals with various health topics. These include, for example, alternative healing methods, nutrition and natural remedies. The website offers articles, recipes, e-books and products related to health and well-being.

It is important that you are aware of that it is a health website, based on alternative approaches and often ignores conventional medicine. Such sites should never be used as a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis.

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Customer reviews: These are the experiences with “Health Center”

When we look at reviews on Trustpilot, we see only 67 ratings, although the site has existed for years and has received a number of hits a month. 39% of users who share their experience about “Health Center” give five stars, 58%, however, only one star. In between there are hardly any reviews. This allows us to clearly see how polarizing the site is.

Under the positive reviews, users write how much the site helped them with problems. A user even writes: “The best site and 100% convincing because when a friend pointed out that a product contained a toxic substance, they reacted immediately and immediately changed it on the site”. Between the negative reviews, users would like more scientific evidence and refer to the people behind the site as “scumbags”.

Is “Health Center” reputable?

That’s not easy to say, because the health website has a proper imprint and is transparent. The website has also been maintained for many years. On the other side stands Health Center” often criticized and cannot provide verification on Trustpilot either. It is the alternative approach and the lack of scientific evidence and studies that polarize so much and also make it impossible to rate the site as serious or dubious.

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So always be aware when you visit such sites that they are just the promote alternative healing methods. However, individual articles can very well be regarded as dubious, namely those that name an alternative healing method as a cure for cancer. Alternative methods can be a positive support, but the Conventional medicine should not be disregarded here. It is also important that no website replaces a visit to the doctor or treatment. The AOK has a link on its homepage where you can find reliable health information online.

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