Home » Bank extra profits, fears abroad for the stability of the Italian system

Bank extra profits, fears abroad for the stability of the Italian system

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Bank extra profits, fears abroad for the stability of the Italian system

Bank extra profits, the risk on loans and the possible consequences for the decision taken by the government

The extra profit tax from the banks it created chaos not only in Italy but also abroad. The decision taken by the government has displaced investors who instead need certainties, and this way of operating of the Meloni executive – we read in the Corriere della Sera – generates international concerns jeopardizing the estate Italy system. The last 48 hours have seen the crossing of phone calls and conversations between Italian and international bankers to understand what was happening in Italy. Not so much for the provision itself. How much due to lack of clarity in its illustration and its consequences. To the point of having to push the Ministry of Economy to make one clarificationTuesday evening, on the roof that would have been placed at the tax itself.

The choice – continues Il Corriere – could push the banks to divert resources to untaxed areas instead of towards mortgages and loans for the benefit of citizens. So getting the opposite effect. Without forgetting that the Italian institutes, about fifteen years ago, were among the most problematic. Today, however, they have proven themselves among the most robust in European stress tests. This is also the result of profits which have consolidated the institutes in recent years.

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