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Trigger finger syndrome: what it is and how to treat it

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Trigger finger syndrome: what it is and how to treat it

It may happen that you are unable to move your finger correctly due to pain, this inflammation has a name, a cause, but also a cure.

Bend your finger of a hand is a really important operation to carry out the operations of daily life on a regular basis. In fact, the movement of the fingers is an action that comes to us automatically from an early age, as we grow up we give it meaning and purpose. That’s why if such movement creates painit is difficult to carry out any activity. Symptoms the most common are swelling of the finger, joint stiffness and difficulty moving, soreness at the base of the finger and pain that can reach the wrist.

Stenosing tenosynovitis of the finger flexorsbetter known as trigger finger, it is an inflammatory pathology that affects the flexor tendons of the fingers, which are in turn surrounded by a very thin sheath that acts as a channel inside which the tendon is located. And it is thanks to this sheath that we can move our fingers fluidly. If this becomes inflamed, even the slightest and most harmless movement can cause pain. But what are they the cause of the trigger finger? And especially, how is it treated?

Trigger finger: causes and remedies

The reasons why we can find ourselves in front of the trigger finger are many, but all are characterized by an inflammation. In the first place it could be due to a trauma: an accident during sport, the use of machinery that vibrates by stressing the tendons and facilitating the formation of microtraumas.

What are the causes of trigger finger and all the remedies to know (tantasalute.it)

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Among the reasons we also find repeated efforts such as for example in the movement of a musician or even just the continuous flexion of the thumb when using the smartphone. The causes are linked to continuous efforts and sudden traumas, but other factors certainly facilitate the appearance such as the age, which affects a lower production of collagen and other pathologies such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis and rhizarthrosis.

To act on the trigger finger, you must first evaluate the entity. If the pain is mild or in any case not due to major trauma, you can opt for natural remedies such as ice packs or arnica cream. The first helps reduce pain, the second is useful for flame and soothe.

However, if that’s not enough, you may need to use a brace to use at night. The aim is to rest the tendons, thus avoiding involuntary movements. If the pain is intense, it will be necessary to take analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, moreover, it will be necessary to undergo more demanding therapies such as infiltrations (also based on corticosteroids). Furthermore, the gym can help improve the joint mobility of the finger and thus also reduce pain. However, each case is individual and must be evaluated by a competent doctor.

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