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A qualified woman was rejected by everyone for a job | Magazine

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A qualified woman was rejected by everyone for a job |  Magazine

She decided to do a little test.

Izvor: Shutterstock/fizkes

When she realized that she couldn’t possibly get a job, she decided to conduct an experiment. After numerous job interviews, employers would reject her, and then at one point she realized why. She saw that she was a victim of discrimination. Her biggest problem for the job was that – woman. In order to check if she is wrong, she made a change in her work resume – she started presenting herself as a man.

“I have four years of experience in protecting computer systems and I’m trying to change companies. I keep sending cover letters and resumes, but without the desired response,” says the 37-year-old woman who is more than qualified. According to her, the most common answers she received were yes too old and only men work in the company, which would be an awkward environment for her.

When she changed her CV, in addition to presenting herself as a man, she decided to list only four years of experience. She deleted the certificates and other additional achievements. “Almost all the companies called the person I presented in my fake CV,” she said. In order to prove that her experiment worked and that she was discriminated against because she is a woman, she also installed a voice modification application so that she would sound like a man when called.

According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, four out of ten women say they have faced discrimination at work. Also, women are four times more likely than men to say that they have been treated as if they are not competent because of their gender, and they are three times more likely than men to say that they have experienced minor insults at work. When it comes to the gender pay gap, 25 percent of working women say they earn less than men doing the same job, while only five percent of employed men say they earn less than their female colleagues.

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Source: Kurir television


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