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Where is the baby killer from Gradačac | Info

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Where is the baby killer from Gradačac |  Info

The owner of the gym where the killer worked, Nermin Sulejmanović, stated that the baby is with him and that he is in good condition.

Source: Instagram/printscreen

Three people were killed and three wounded in the bloody rampage of a crazed killer from Gradačac, Nermin Sulejmanović, who eventually committed suicide.. The owner of the gym where the killer Nermin Sulejmanović worked announced that he was a baby safe, that is, with him and that he was on the spot.

“He beat the woman beyond recognition before killing her, and then shot her in the head. He is an only child, his mother passed away, and he hasn’t spoken to his father for twenty years. If something foreshadowed the tragedy, I wouldn’t have been able to I say because he behaved quite normally, he was a hardworking and responsible young man. Four years ago he got married and had a child,” said the owner of the gym.

As he also adds, the unfortunate girl was lying next to her dead mother. “I found the child in a pool of blood, but he did not harm her“, said Emir Dz. for the Republika.rs portal.

Let us remind you that three people were killed and three wounded in the bloody rampage of the crazed killer from Gradačac, Nermin Sulejmanović, it was officially confirmed by the Tuzla Canton MUP Police Department. Sulejmanović then killed himself in front of the police.


00:22 The building in Banjica where the murder and suicide took place Source: Kurir television

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Source: Kurir television


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