Home » Former candidate for mayor of Sácama denounces that the Conservative Party withdrew his endorsement without consulting

Former candidate for mayor of Sácama denounces that the Conservative Party withdrew his endorsement without consulting

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Former candidate for mayor of Sácama denounces that the Conservative Party withdrew his endorsement without consulting

In recent days, Samir Berrio Scaff, national deputy manager of the Conservative Party, through a video informed Conservatism followers in Casanare that two of its members resigned due to threats, one of them was the main candidate in the municipality of Sácama , Fabio Estupiñán, who recently filed a complaint through his Facebook account.

Estupiñán Valderrama points out that at no time did he denounce threats against him and that he was never notified of the decision of the Conservative Party, which finally decided to grant co-guarantee to the engineer Yeferson Tellez.

He reiterates in his statement that he never filed the resignation of his aspiration and that he faced setbacks to complete the process, as he explains in this document:

Also read: Candidate for mayor of Sácama resigned due to threats

Statement of the Conservative Party

For his part, Samir Berrio Scaff, national deputy manager of the Conservative Party, responded to the publication like this: “You Fabio is a liar and you play the victim when you know what you told me and in front of your other colleagues who hopefully have the gallantry of acknowledge what he told me, and the media that want to know the truth can contact me and I will provide them with the evidence that what I said in the statement is what this man told me”; pointing out in the same comments that he will ask for an investigation to be opened into this case to see what are the dark interests behind this action, which leaves a community that acted loyally in the dark.

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Source: news – HOLA Casanare

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