Home » Zhejiang Province Hosts Children’s Swimming League to Welcome the Asian Games

Zhejiang Province Hosts Children’s Swimming League to Welcome the Asian Games

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Nearly 600 young swimmers showcased their skills during the Zhejiang Province “Welcome to the Asian Games · National Fitness” Children’s Swimming League held at the Huanglong Sports Center. The competition, organized to commemorate the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, aimed to promote sports and encourage participation among the masses.

The event saw a total of 30 teams and almost 600 contestants participating, with the young swimmers competing in five different age categories ranging from under 9 years old to 13-15 years old. The competition included 44 individual events and relays, offering the young athletes an opportunity to shine and win gold medals.

One of the young swimmers, Zhu Lexi, who had been learning to swim for two years, expressed her excitement and nerves before her race. The 8-year-old participated in the 50-meter freestyle competition, aiming to beat her personal record of 54 seconds. She shared her love for swimming and her eagerness to witness the swimming events in the Hangzhou Asian Games.

For parents like Chen Xiaoyong, letting their children learn to swim is not only a wish but also an interest for the kids themselves. Zhu Lexi’s mother highlighted the perseverance required for training five times a week, showing the child’s strong will and determination. Swimming not only enhances physical fitness but also instills the values of hard work and sportsmanship in young athletes.

Throughout the competition, the young swimmers demonstrated the results of their daily training, exhibiting excellent physical condition and a strong competitive spirit. The event aimed to popularize swimming and improve children’s water self-rescue ability and swimming skills, thereby reducing the risk of drowning accidents. Additionally, the organizers hoped the competition would inspire a passion for swimming and enhance the overall fitness and swimming skills of young people in the region.

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Yan Shimin, the deputy director of the South Swimming and Fitness Department at Huanglong Sports Center, emphasized the importance of swimming events in the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games. They serve as a platform to promote the sport and enhance the public’s swimming abilities. The competitions also aim to create an atmosphere of swimming and fitness for people of all ages and backgrounds, fostering a healthy and active lifestyle.

With the success of the Zhejiang Province “Welcome to the Asian Games · National Fitness” Children’s Swimming League, young swimmers will continue to pursue their passion, aspiring to represent their region and achieve outstanding results in future swimming competitions.

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