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Death threat – La Hora newspaper

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Death threat – La Hora newspaper

Kleber Mantilla Cisneros

In an environment of violence, giving thanks to Fernando Villavicencio even seems like a rupture of social fear in a paradox when making a different opinion journalism proposal. Definitely a brave life

It scares the corrupt, drug traffickers, thugs and exploiters of natural resources, as the friend from university classrooms told us, with that wisdom, humility, resistance and consistency towards a future professionalism of journalism as a destination. Now it is up to us journalists to thank the colleague, classmate and friend of a thousand campaigns, accepting the prize of writing with courage and serving the people without feeling that we are cannon fodder.

In the country of impunity and lack of governance, what defines a democracy, when choosing authorities, is the ethical and moral quality of its people.

Of course, in these times, there are dreamers, soldiers, poets, avant-garde and disinterested denouncers, otherwise where would the heroes come from, the ‘Don Villa’. In the scarce and exhausting investigative journalism, of weaving and managing situations, protagonists and confabulations; there is also a lack of a demigod who strips post-truths, foolish propaganda and false news. Today, in the midst of automaton artificial intelligence, police pressure, exorbitant crime levels, daily death threats and the nihilism of the harassing drug trade.

If we consider that the greatest concern of Ecuadorians is linked to insecurity, what is crucial becomes democracy, journalism, and opening spaces to listen to opinions, current and future problems; and, unmask the corrupt justice system that misgoverns us. All that versatile explanation of the evolution of the murderous narcopolitics that he dared to denounce and for which Fernando died. Think and act like good people who face everything and everyone who dares to cross the limits: corrupt, looters and rapists of children and generations.

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The origins and causes, perhaps in an inhospitable territory some 17 years ago. With that dramatic narrative typical of a narco-novel that is reissued again these days in Colombia. A once high-quality literary work with magical realism: a tyrant, the vulgar looters, highway robbers and petty dictators paid by untouchable mafias. However, Ecuador walks without being dismantled from that nonsense of a robolution; Around here, we know that electoral fraud is not impossible and the digital world writes contemporary history because the most dastardly decisions come from a cell phone.

Death threats persist and sometimes, for prevention, we stop writing. That’s all.

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