Home » Genoa, full hall at the Carlo Felice for the concert in memory of the 43 victims of the Morandi bridge

Genoa, full hall at the Carlo Felice for the concert in memory of the 43 victims of the Morandi bridge

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Genoa, full hall at the Carlo Felice for the concert in memory of the 43 victims of the Morandi bridge

Genova – At the Teatro Carlo Felice a concert to remember the 43 victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge, on the fifth anniversary of the tragedy of August 14, 2018. The concert is organized by the committee in memory of the victims of the Morandi bridge with the Municipality and the Theater itself which has reopened, despite the holiday period , to allow the event. On stage a piano and the maestro Remo Anzovino, one of the most influential composers of international instrumental music, with his “Don’t forget to fly”.

“Music accompanies, it helps, it will bring out emotions, even tears this evening, but it teaches us to fly again, because in five years – said Egle Possetti, spokesman for the Committee – we haven’t flown anymore. In this time we continue to carry forward our request for justice and the request that no one suffers anymore what we are starting because it is inhumane. The strength comes from the love for our families who are no longer there”. Once on stage, the maestro said that the emotions he feels this evening will let the music express them. From the mayor Bucci the invitation to let all that “Genoa does not forget”.

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