Home » Maritime Safety | Salvage invests this year 27 million in modernizing and renewing part of its fleet

Maritime Safety | Salvage invests this year 27 million in modernizing and renewing part of its fleet

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Maritime Safety |  Salvage invests this year 27 million in modernizing and renewing part of its fleet

Vigo 08/14/2023 at 14:31 CEST

Includes one of the payments for the high-altitude tugboat in the final phase of construction in Zamakona

The Maritime Rescue and Safety Society (Sasemar) foresees invest this year almost 27 million euros in the renewal and modernization of its fleet. As stated in his Action Plan for 2023in which it reflects all the initiatives and objectives set for this year based on its roadmap from 2022 to 2024, the intention of the agency that monitors the country’s coasts is to tender this year the construction of a class vessel Guardamar and that of two new tugboats that will be added to the one manufactured, already in the final stretch prior to its delivery, by the Basque shipyard Zamakona.

According to the document that is usually published on the Sasemar website during the first half of the year, the planned investment in the maritime fleet is 26.97 million euros. Of them, a total of 15.75 million correspond to one of the payments for the offshore tugboat Heroines of Sálvora, an 82.35-meter unit launched in the Basque Country last June and for which the Hijos de J. Barreras shipyard from Vigo came to bid in a temporary union of companies (UTE) together with the also Olívicas F. Carceller and Vicus DT. The contract was launched by €52.5 million.

In addition, the investment relationship includes the “renewal of maritime units” of the class Salvamar for an amount of €5.2 million. In this sense, it refers to the tender launched at the end of last year and awarded last March (formalized a month later) to Naval Auxiliary of the Principalitya firm belonging to Grupo Armón, which specializes in the manufacture of this type of boat for Sasemar, 21.5 meters long.

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With Galician seal is the class of sea ​​guard, larger vessels (almost 32 meters in length) that in this case the Asturian group produces in the shipyard it has in Burela. For the construction of one of the units, the Guardamar Urania, It is expected that a little more than 2 million euros will be invested this year.

To bid would still be two smaller tugboats, 60 meters, which in this case could be carried out by other shipyards in the Rías Baixas. In this sense, Sasemar plans to allocate a total of 4 million euros this year.


Also related to the fleet, and within the framework of a project for which Armón also came to bid, the Company plans to invest 13.42 million in Sar, the initiative that seeks to integrate 4.0 technology among the different means used for the rescue. In short, it means developing smart sensors, incorporating unmanned aircraft or improving the transmission and management of information generated in rescue operations. the german firm Sliding Electronic Devices was the winner of the tender with an offer of 16.89 million. The group of shipyards with two plants in Vigo participated in it in a joint venture with Sistem and Ayesa Air Control.

To older, for this year Sasemar will invest a maximum of 1.5 million in the renewal of equipment of its maritime units. Examples of this are, for example, the supply and installation of an alternator for the port group of the ship Clara Campoamor.

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