Home » Compress #27

Compress #27

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Compress #27


September 10 – 16, 2023 Mittersill

konfomi #27

In the broadest sense, art is also part of the system that needs to be changed today and that stands and falls with the energy generated by people and everything that is driven by it.
The machinic, which today culminates in the algorithms of the AI, confronts us with the problem of the human being becoming a machine, or rather the machine becoming human.
In the artistic field, however, it should not be about extensions and replacements, but about the linking of people with other things, which, however, only become machines in the process of exchange. Any substitution would be a lack of communication, the quality of the machine is exactly the opposite: communication and exchange, a permanent practice of connection.


The post kofomi #27 first appeared on mica – music austria.

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