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Opticians in the test: Keep your eyes open when buying glasses

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Opticians in the test: Keep your eyes open when buying glasses

We looked at six optician chains: Apollo, Brille.de, Eyes + More, Fielmann, Mister Spex and Pro Optik. In the test period, they were the opticians with the highest turnover in Germany, and with the exception of Fielmann, they offered their services both in stationary trade and on the Internet during this time. Our conclusion is sobering: None of the six managed the test quality rating Good in the optician comparison. At least in terms of customer service, professional advice and information, some did well.

Why the optician test is worthwhile for you


In the optician test by Stiftung Warentest you will find detailed test results for six providers: Apollo, Brille.de, Eyes + More, Fielmann, Mister Spex and Pro Optik.

The best optician for you

You can filter the test results and sort them according to certain evaluation criteria, for example the quality of the glasses, the professional advice, the customer service.


We explain what you should pay attention to when choosing frames and lenses. In the glasses glossary, we explain what is meant by the lotus effect or refractive index, which extras are worthwhile and which you can save on.

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Opticians in the test All test results for opticians

Test subjects in stores and online

For our optician test, we sent five trained test persons with different ametropia to the retailer’s branches to order glasses there. Some of them also ordered via the provider’s website. One person wanted lightweight distance glasses with full rims, a second distance glasses with lenses that were not too thick, a third near glasses for reading on a laptop, a fourth varifocal glasses to wear all the time and the fifth varifocal glasses for work. In the shops, the test persons should also ask about glasses insurance. Our article explains how useful glasses insurance is: when it’s worth taking out.

All opticians in the test made a mistake when fitting

In addition to the correct determination of the eyesight, the correct fit of the spectacle frame is a crucial point for optimal vision. The optician bends and jerks the selected frame until it is optimally adjusted. This is where all providers have problems, some even more than others. This can and must be better. A poorly fitted frame can falsify the so-called centering – the exact positioning of the lenses in the frame – and thus significantly reduce the effectiveness of the glasses.

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Ordering online has its pitfalls

In principle, the complete purchase of glasses can be done on the Internet. Customers can often try on models online, and suppliers sometimes send frames free of charge to their homes or branches to try on. This is practical − but also error-prone. After all, without an eye test for out-of-date vision values, which is carried out by a specialist, without professional manual adjustment, without individual centering and without advice on glasses, buying glasses becomes a gamble.

Care tips for a clear view

Dirty glasses, clouded vision? This is how the glasses become clear again:

Hold the goggles under running lukewarm water. In this way, dirt particles and grains of dust are washed away. Make-up residue, skin oil and fingerprints can be removed with a mild detergent without skin care additives: Lather a drop between your fingers, rub gently into the glasses and rinse thoroughly with water. Finally, carefully dry the glasses with a microfiber or very soft cotton cloth. Wash the towels regularly at a maximum of 40 degrees. Do not use fabric softener. For quick cleaning on the go, gently wipe the glasses with a clean microfiber cloth, blowing away dust particles beforehand. If you don’t have one in your glasses case, moist, microfine disposable cellulose cloths without solvents are also useful. Never clean glasses with clothing or coarse kitchen paper – the dirt particles are rubbed back and forth, micro-scratches damage the glasses and can irritate the eye.

Every extra makes the glasses more expensive

The cost of glasses consists of the price of the frame and the price of the lenses. Designer frames can be very expensive, and the price of the glasses can also vary greatly – depending on individual needs and the chosen finishes. But: Not everything that an optician might recommend is a must. In addition to super anti-reflective coatings, which are part of the free standard at many opticians, there are, for example, anti-fog coatings, tints and filters. In the chargeable test report you will also find our guide to which extras are useful.

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Which costs are covered by health insurance companies

Statutory health insurance companies only contribute to the cost of glasses with corrective lenses for adults in certain cases – for example, if the ametropia is more than six dioptres. And then only if the optician cooperates with the cash register and offers glasses with fixed subsidies. Ask if you are unsure. Privately insured persons should also inquire whether and what their insurance company pays. If you would like general information about what statutory health insurance pays, we recommend our article What your health insurance pays – and what it doesn’t.

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