Home » The competition for 48 architects/engineers at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy is underway

The competition for 48 architects/engineers at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy is underway

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The competition for 48 architects/engineers at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy is underway

The Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy has launched a public selection process for the permanent hiring of 338 resources. Of the 338 places, 48 ​​are reserved for architecture or engineering graduates. More specifically, these degrees allow access to the selection of 38 technical assistants and 10 specialized technical assistants.

The announcement applies the new rules on public competitions which ensure, among other things, the right for pregnant or breastfeeding women to carry out asynchronous tests or to use spaces suitable for breastfeeding. Also acknowledged the attention that the new legislation reserves for people with disabilities and specific learning disabilities (Dsa), who will have the possibility of replacing the written tests with an oral interview or using compensatory tools for reading, writing and calculation, as well as to take advantage of an extension of the times established for carrying out the tests themselves.

L’technical assistant will cover specific tasks related to management and logistics activities, also through the use of means, equipment and tools supplied, providing for the related custody and maintenance. It will also take care of the testing of simple equipment, plants and machinery and will carry out checks, measurements and surveys, ensuring the implementation and operational coordination of the plans and technical projects to be carried out. As many as 28 resources will be assigned to the central administration a Roma (28 posts), the remainder are distributed among the territorial inspectorates of: Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Puglia e Sicily.

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L’specialized technical assistant will carry out specific qualified tasks or tasks that require specific professional experience, connected to management and logistics activities, also through the use of means, equipment and tools supplied, providing for the relative custody and maintenance. He will take care of the testing of equipment, systems and machinery and will carry out checks, measurements and surveys. He will also be able to autonomously carry out interventions, appraisals and specialized technical assessments or functional tests on processes, circuits, apparatus, systems and plants. He will check the technical results and the functionality of the interventions, making sure that the work complies with the standards and with the standard compatibilities. All 10 resources will be assigned to the central offices of Roma.

Applications to participate in the competition must be sent via InPa (inpa.gov.it), upon registration on the portal. To participate in the competition, the payment must be made, under penalty of exclusion participation fee of 10 euros. Applications must be submitted by the deadline 30 days starting from the day following the publication of the announcement on the InPa portal (September 29, 2023).

The written test consists of a test with 40 multiple choice questions (25 questions dedicated to specific subjects for each profile, seven to test logical-deductive skills and critical-verbal reasoning and eight which will serve to test decision-making skills with respect to situations that may arise at work). The oral test, divided by competition codes, consists of an interdisciplinary interview aimed at ascertaining the preparation of the candidates in the subjects of the written test, the knowledge of the English language and to verify the digital skills and the use of information technologies and information technologies and of communication.

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Documentation on the Formez website

The notice on InPa

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published: 01/09/2023

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