Home » War Ukraine Russia, Polish President Duda: misinterpreted weapons in Kiev

War Ukraine Russia, Polish President Duda: misinterpreted weapons in Kiev

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“I will make sure the world stays next to Kiev.” Joe Biden said this to Voldymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office of the White House during the Ukrainian president’s visit to Washington. Zelensky thanked Joe Biden for US support in fighting “Russian terror.”

Biden will announce a new weapons package to Zelensky, “which will include significant air defense systems.” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said this in a press briefing. In the new shipment of weapons to Ukraine from the USA, however, there are no “Atacms” (long-range) missiles.

Meanwhile, Poland is starting to send weapons “previously agreed” with Kiev to Ukraine. A clarification that comes after the words of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who announced a stop to military aid to Kiev due to the need to arm its army. “I want to thank the Polish people and Polish society for their support,” Zelensky said at the White House.


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