Home » A loving husband worked seven months to pay his beloved’s ‘lipo’

A loving husband worked seven months to pay his beloved’s ‘lipo’

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A loving husband worked seven months to pay his beloved’s ‘lipo’

Cristhian Alvarez He is a loving husband who showed his beloved life partner how much he loves her by working seven months to pay her a ‘lipo’.

This man’s action has moved social networks, especially because behind his nice gesture was one of the biggest his wife’s insecurities.

Álvarez shared on his account Facebook some tender photographs in which he can be seen caressing his wife’s ‘tummy’.

“God allowed me to give him the lipoabdominoplastia to my wife. I worked, saved for seven months and I made it,” this loving husband wrote in the post.

“I saw her crying for years, I heard her problems of self-esteem. Although she was always beautiful to me, I decided to do it because I long to see her happy. This helped me as a man to achieve what I set my mind to. I will be there for you, in the good times, in the bad times, in all of them with you,” the published message ends.

The publication It soon reached a large number of people, many of whom have highlighted the love that Cristhian feels for his wife.

They emphasize that he values ​​the mother of his two daughters and that she is lucky to have an attentive husband and concerned about their well-being.

Comments like “I don’t want to be a spectator“; “take care of that man Catalina” are constants in the original publication.

Although the positive reactions are many, there is also room for those who reject these procedures for aesthetic purposes.

Some users have classified saving for a lipoabdominoplasty as “an unnecessary expense.”

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Despite some criticism, the family Colombian woman of four lives happily and the lucky woman ‘shows off’ the results of the surgery that was performed thanks to the efforts of her loving husband.

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