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Driving Corporate Cultivation and R&D Investment Goals: A Focus on Goal-Oriented Results

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Vice Mayor Zhou Jian Leads Efforts to Promote Corporate Cultivation and R&D Investment

Luohe, October 8, 2023 – In a special meeting held yesterday, Vice Mayor Zhou Jian chaired discussions on the investment in scientific and technological research and development (R&D) and the entry of “four top” enterprises in the field of responsibility. The meeting aimed to assess the progress made in R&D investments and set goals for the year ahead.

During the meeting, the current status of R&D investments in the city for 2022 was presented, along with an update on the progress made in 2023. Vice Mayor Zhou Jian urged all counties, districts, and departments to identify and address any existing challenges hindering R&D activities. He emphasized the need to guide enterprises to allocate more resources towards innovation, fostering collaboration and synergy. Weekly and monthly rankings should be introduced to monitor progress, ensuring the smooth implementation of work plans. Additionally, Zhou Jian stressed the importance of cultivating a knowledgeable workforce within enterprises and increasing R&D investment to achieve the set goals and targets for the year.

Regarding the entry of “four top” enterprises into the city’s database, Zhou Jian highlighted the importance of goal orientation, problem orientation, and result orientation. Overcoming challenges must be a priority, with dedicated teams responsible for implementing action plans and increasing the enthusiasm of enterprises to join the database. The integration of existing resources should be carefully planned to drive incremental improvements and enhance information sharing mechanisms. By doing so, a favorable environment for tiered cultivation can be created. Furthermore, policy incentives and guidance measures will be implemented to fully support enterprises’ pursuit of high-quality development.

The efforts to promote corporate cultivation and R&D investment reflect the city’s commitment to economic progress and innovation. Vice Mayor Zhou Jian’s guidance and strict supervision will pave the way for achieving the desired goals and tasks outlined for the upcoming year.

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With the support of such initiatives, Luohe is poised to become a hub of innovation and technological advancements, further contributing to its economic growth and development.

Editor: liangy

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