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Consisting melius quam speculari — BETTER ON THE SIDE OF THE WRONG THAN ON THE SIDE OF EVIL

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Consisting melius quam speculari — BETTER ON THE SIDE OF THE WRONG THAN ON THE SIDE OF EVIL

It is better to stop than to speculate


TV viewing: Francesco Toscano and Enrica Perucchietti, with Andrea Legni, Giammarco Landi and Fulvio Grimaldi

Me, me, me

Forgive me if, fishing in the mists of my high school Latinorum and trying to say that taking sides is better than considering, I wrote nonsense. Which does not detract from my belief that never before, never before when looking first at Ukraine and then at Palestine/Israel, with the disasters of crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon in the middle. , Somalia, Armenians, plus various US coups d’état, we have to stand with those who the dominant rumor says are wrong. Those against whom the CIA spy Giuliano Ferrara rants, with behind them, goose-stepping and covered swastika insignia, the armies of as many CIA-and-similar associates, disguised as journalists and representatives of the people.

I saw Sabra and Shatila where, under the eyes of General Sharon and the invading army, 1,300 women and children were torn to pieces; I have known Palestine, tortured, killed, denied for 75 years and I have been visiting it for 56. I lived in Gaza with Vittorio Arrigoni the experience of what a huge cat does to a tiny mouse. I have collected the testimonies and images of those who have seen their brothers, sons, fathers, mothers and sisters burned alive, wearing white phosphorus launched by one of the most powerful, nuclearised, ruthless and immoral armies in the world.

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I, on the walls of the houses in invaded Gaza, read and reread the words “Kill Arabs!”, accompanied by graffiti depicting cemeteries. Writings that insist on reminding me of that Israeli captain who, in June 1967, after the Six Day War had been won, told me: “The only good Arab is the dead Arab”. Said that it also affects the inhabitants of East Jerusalem, every time gangs of thugs inspired by Netaniahu, Ben Gvir Smotrich, roam what was supposed to be, according to the UN, the capital of the Palestinian state.

I was in the house of that Arab doctor who, in the midst of “Cast Lead”, while he was connected to an Israeli TV, saw a missile arriving which incinerated his three young daughters. I have seen, reduced to neo-cave dwellers, a good part of 2 million innocent people living among the rubble. I listened to a 12-year-old girl tell me how 13 members of her family were murdered when they were at home under the bombs, or in line, prisoners with white handkerchiefs, shot before they even reached the mass graves.

I got chronic bronchitis in Ramallah, for trying to document a peaceful demonstration of university students under a deluge of toxic gases, prohibited by international convention, but breathed in by Palestinians continuously for 50 years. I am also the one who, precisely in these times, has seen real terrorists – those, that is, invented, rounded up, trained, armed, paid, by our well-known terrorist centers and False Flags – skinned, burned alive, drowned in cages, raped, hang Syrian civilians, unwilling to do with their country what the Zelensky gang does with Ukraine; while the wounded of these same terrorists were lovingly sheltered in territories occupied by Israel and visited by the prime minister of the “Single Democracy of the Middle East”.

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I was in Israel, after the UN partition of Palestine between natives and new arrivals, when the invaders had already made their way into Deir Yassin, inaugurating Zionist terrorism with the massacre of the 200 inhabitants of that village. And I was there before the Oslo agreements, 1991, when, after the Six Day War, all of Palestine to be divided had become all of Israel. I was also there after Oslo, with the new partition resulting in some fragments of Palestine left to collaborationist administrators, like Abu Mazen, but with 500,000 settlers brought in from outside and guaranteed in their incursions and land robberies, by armed occupiers who did not they should have been there.

I am the son of a Western European whose values ​​have filled my education and whose values ​​still drip in news and stories. Values ​​based on:

genocidal crusades, religious wars within the same religion, colonialism and neocolonialism, predators and looters, wars of extermination of innocents but of export of democracy, transposition of poor peoples so as to make the peoples who were better off poorer because their leaders were better off they had stolen, terrorist wars where it was no longer convenient to engage their own armed citizens, and always a sociocidal war of the four rich people against 7.5 billion poor people, of which Gaza and Palestine are the icon.

Gaza, Palestine, are the center of the world. Once that is severed, we all die.

So don’t come and talk to me about Hamas

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