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Byoblu-Mondocane Episode 3/6

On air Sunday 9.30pm, repeats Monday 9.30am, Tuesday 11.00am, Wednesday 10.30pm, Thursday 10.00am, Saturday 4.30pm, Sunday 9.00am

You find various things there, mostly wicked, which are those of the criminal state, specialized in infanticide. To which correspond others, often exhilarating, but strictly “unchanged” (silenced, according to Dante), such as the heroism and successes of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza in inflicting heavy losses (“painful”, according to the admission between the boss’s teeth infanticide) to the attacking SS.

There is the shame of the shame of a regime characterized by shame, as well as incompetence, amateurism, sesquipedal gaffes and the constant attempt to verticalize oneself and put the rest of us under (premier, pro forma parliament, judiciary in shackles). Soy Georgia ordered the valet Massari, ambassador to the UN, to abstain in the vote on the resolution, requested by 40 countries and voted by 120, for a ceasefire in the genocide and for the respect due to 2,300,000 civilians in Gaza, on the 30th October 10,000 murdered, 60% women and children.

And it is not known how many remain under the rubble. Have you seen the rubble? Didn’t it remind you of Hiroshima? Do you know how Amihai Eliyahu, appropriately Israeli Minister of Cultural Heritage, commented on them? “Blowing up and flattening everything is a delight to behold. We should think about the day after tomorrow and distribute building lots to all those who fought for Gaza…”

I vote cowardly, servile, inhuman. Why? Because the resolution would not have contemplated 1) Israel’s right to self-defense (this is what they call genocides); 2) the condemnation of Hamas terrorism (this is how the liberation struggle sanctioned by international law is defined. And let’s take into account that that “terrorism” was denied by the Israelis themselves. It was mostly “friendly fire”) and 3) the unconditional liberation of the prisoners (called “hostages”).

Macabre laughter. All false. Claudio Messora of Byoblu discovered it. Those three points were, indeed, in the resolution. Except that Italy, Giorgia, Massari, the media, pretended not to see them. Woe betide anyone who disturbs the mini-holocaust, interrupting the flood of other people’s blood that only the Jews are authorized to unleash, given that they had grandparents and great-grandparents subjected to similar extermination. And does the victim remain a victim forever, according to Isaiah (of whose prophecy Netaniahu is said to be the executor), even if he turns into Jack the Ripper?

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Am I wrong, or do I hear the end-of-the-world weapon that someone is throwing at me at this point whistling? Yes, I hear correctly: “Anti-Semite!!!”

Wet firecracker. I have travelled, lived, cried and laughed among the Semites since 1967, the Six Day War, when I saw, from the top of a tank with the Star of David, on which they were traveling journalists, burning villages and driving them into exile. perpetually the inhabitants. Semites.

Yes, Palestinians, Semites. Given that a line of encyclopedia is enough to explain to you that the 450 million Arabs are all Semites, children of Shem. Shem son of Noah, together with Ham and Japhep, progenitors of the blacks and the whites respectively. He said it was a deluge passage in the Bible, therefore at least as credible as Isaiah’s prophecy implemented by Netaniahu by piling up broken bodies in Gaza and the West Bank (and in Syria and Lebanon and tomorrow, Greater Israel, who knows where).

So how can I be anti-Semitic, if the Semites are Arabs and all the Palestinians are and I cry and laugh with them? And the Jews? There are some Semites, of course, but they are few. They are the Sephardim of Israel, Semites who converted to Judaism in very distant times. The others, who project the Greater Israel project across half of the Middle East, are the Ashkenazi, people who arrived from outside, from lands of Indo-European colonisation. One of the great Israeli Jewish historians, Shlomo Sand, tells us about it with very precise historiography: “The invention of the Jewish people”.

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Are you perplexed? Let’s talk about it, let’s compare the data. We can’t always move forward with the Pregliasco-Burioni method: shut up, you deniers. We know how it ends: Pregliasco and Burioni silenced by the effects of a shitty vaccine.

And there are others, illustrious Israeli historians (obviously they can no longer stay in the country where a corrupt serial killer reigns who carries out massacres to distract the judges who would like to put him away). Worth knowing: Ilan Pappè, now at the University of Exeter, “The largest prison in the world”, “The ethnic cleansing of Palestine” and “Last stop Gaza” and Norman Finkelstein (parents who perished in Auschwitz): “The holocaust industry”, “A nation on trial”. Three historians, three heroes. Also because we know what they risk.

Fixed the use and abuse of the qualification of “Semitic” and “anti-Semitism”, its derivation, instrumental, but paralyzing and an opportunity for effective False Flags. We would still have to take a look at that other club with which they deal with Israel’s critics: “anti-Zionism”. But I’ll stop here, since it’s all there in the episode. Check it out.

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