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Ukrainian Army Official Killed by Grenade Explosion on His Birthday Celebration

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Ukrainian Army Official Killed by Grenade Explosion on His Birthday Celebration

Assistant to Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Killed by Grenade Explosion on His Birthday

Guennadi Chastiakov, the assistant to Valeri Zaluzhny, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, tragically lost his life on his 39th birthday after an apparent grenade detonated in one of his gifts. The incident occurred at Chastiakov’s home in the village of Chaiky, Kyiv region. Alongside him were his wife and four children, with one of his children, a 13-year-old, sustaining serious injuries and being sent to the hospital.

Commander Zaluzhny expressed his deep sorrow, calling it an “indescribable pain and a great loss” for both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and himself personally. He took to social media to explain that an unknown explosive device exploded in one of the gifts.

According to Igor Klimenko, the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior, Chastiakov had received “western-style” grenades as a gift from a colleague. The colleague’s office has already been searched by authorities, who found two other similar grenades. Klimenko shared updates on the investigation, expressing that priority actions were still being taken.

This unfortunate incident comes at a time when Zaluzhny recently stated in an interview that the conflict in Ukraine has reached a stalemate, acknowledging Russia’s advantage on the frontline. He suggested a shift to strategic defense for Ukrainian forces. However, President Vladimir Zelensky disagreed with his commander-in-chief, asserting that they are not at a stalemate and emphasizing the need to safeguard their military.

Zaluzhny’s interview not only faced criticism within Ukraine but also caused panic among some Western partners. Igor Zhovkva, the deputy head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine, revealed that he received a call from a Western leader’s office in a state of panic, questioning the validity of the stalemate claim. This incident highlights the significance of maintaining strong communication and reassurance among allies.

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The investigation into the grenade explosion and the circumstances surrounding the gift exchange is ongoing, as Ukrainian authorities strive to determine the cause and hold those responsible accountable.

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