Home » Almost 3 million Venezuelans took advantage of the Temporary Protection Statute

Almost 3 million Venezuelans took advantage of the Temporary Protection Statute

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Almost 3 million Venezuelans took advantage of the Temporary Protection Statute

A total of 2,875,743 citizens took advantage of the Statute for the Protection of Venezuelan Migrants (ETPV), which allows them to have access to goods and services, according to the latest report from Migration Colombia.

Of that figure, 2,306,810 Venezuelans already have their Temporary Protection Permit (PPT) or are in the process of obtaining it, added the immigration authority, in its report as of August 31 of this year. ?

Migration Colombia specified that more than 500 thousand documents have been delivered to the current Government. “This figure corresponds to citizens who were received in a timely manner and who meet the requirements of the Temporary Protection Statute for Venezuelan Migrants (ETPV).”

He recalled that regularization “allows them to access public and private goods and services and requires them to fulfill their duties.”

Regularization challenges

The report also records other figures that pose challenges in immigration terms, such as the 503,682 people who have not yet regularized their status.

Of this total, the figure of 230,386 corresponds to Venezuelans who had the Special Permanence Permit (PEP) initially issued, but who were not registered in the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants (RUMV) before April 30, a deadline that they had to do so and thus begin the process of their definitive Temporary Protection Permit (PPT).

Another 195,743 exceeded the authorized stay time in the country and 77,553 entered the national territory without authorization.

Source: Migration Colombia

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