Home » The municipal library of Pizarro, Bajo Baudó, receives an award

The municipal library of Pizarro, Bajo Baudó, receives an award

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The municipal library of Pizarro, Bajo Baudó, receives an award

The Ministry of Culture awarded the Universal Language Municipal Public Library, of Pizarro, Bajo Baudó, headed by librarian Nayeli Waitoto Salas.

This is the recognition of Library Management, in the category of Memory and Culture, after analyzing its processes of excellence, the impact on its territories and innovation experiences.

The award ceremony took place on November 8, 2023 at the National Library and was coordinated by the National Network of Public Libraries.

The Universal Language Municipal Public Library of Pizarro was founded in 2013, generating programs and actions that allow the population to collect and disseminate their culture. In this way, coordination has been achieved between different groups and institutions, as has been done with the Itinerant Rural Libraries – BRI of Pilizá and Sivirú.

They have preserved local knowledge through projects such as ‘The triphasic of native languages’, workshops to promote their traditions, music, crafts, dance and singing, and workshops to promote reading and writing that seek to participants narrate their territory.

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