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Will they increase the taxi service rate?

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Will they increase the taxi service rate?

The Secretariat of Transit and Transportation of Valledupar notified that, after carrying out studies on the viability of establishing the taximeter in the city as part of the changes in the taxi service, this will not be implemented given that, according to the entity, the project would not be enough to take action in the remainder of the current mandate.

Diana Daza, secretary of the sector, in conversation with The PYLONstated that the issue of the implementation of the taximeter and the possible increase in taxi service was being studied to determine the most convenient option for users. “We are carrying out the taximeter decree legally because there are some considerations of Resolution No. 88918, which are not guaranteed before the entire organization of the taxi drivers union, which is why we must provide all the processes so that it remains in the administrative act, because Otherwise, the entire process would be of no use. “We hope that next week we will have progress in this regard and be able to define whether it will finally be done via taximeter or whether the taxi fare will be updated,” Daza explained.

Said analysis came to the conclusion that, due to some obstacles encountered in the meetings held and “important points in Resolution No. 88918 of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce that were not clear”the taximeter service would not be implemented.

Read also: Taximeter or flat rate? Municipal government analyzes the future of the taxi service

“We did everything that was technically and legally required, however, there were important points in Resolution No. 88,918 of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce that were not clear. In addition to the limited time remaining for the current administration to which the draft decree project would be presented, so that it could be sanctioned by the municipal mayor.”said Daza.

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Finally, he reiterated that if an agreement was not reached regarding the implementation of the taximeter, the process of updating the taxi rate will begin, in response to what was proposed by the Ministry of Transportation.

Decision that, when made by the municipal transportation entity, will be presented to the community that uses the taxi service in the city.


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