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Kidney Tumor: The Seven Symptoms Not to Ignore!

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Kidney Tumor: The Seven Symptoms Not to Ignore!

Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the kidneys, often detected late due to its asymptomatic nature. Here are the seven symptoms to recognize it!

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, represents a significant challenge in early diagnosis. Often asymptomatic in its early stages, recognition of symptoms can be crucial for timely and effective treatment. Here are the seven symptoms not to be underestimated:

1. Blood in the Urine (Hematuria).

The presence of blood in the urine, or hematuria, is a classic but not exclusive sign of kidney cancer. This symptom can range from mild discoloration to a noticeable blood red. Importantly, hematuria may be intermittent and not always present, making its clinical relevance easily underestimated.

2. Lower Back or Side Pain.

Pain in the lower back or flank, especially if located on one side, may be indicative of a growing kidney tumor. This pain may be due to the expansion of the tumor itself or to the pressure placed on surrounding tissues and organs.

3. Palpable Mass in the Abdomen

In more advanced stages, the tumor may become large enough to be palpable. This may present as a lump or mass in the abdomen or side. The presence of a palpable mass requires immediate investigation to exclude renal tumor.

4. Tiredness and Weakness.

Systemic symptoms such as tiredness and weakness are non-specific, but in combination with other signs may suggest a kidney tumor. These symptoms can result from a variety of causes, including cancer-associated anemia.

5. Unexpected Weight Loss.

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Weight loss for no apparent reason is a common sign in many types of cancer, including kidney cancer. This may be accompanied by a decrease in appetite and a general feeling of malaise.

6. Fever of Unknown Origin.

Unexplained episodes of fever, in the absence of other infectious causes, can be a warning sign. These fevers are often cyclical and can be confused with other less serious disorders.

7. Anemia and Other Blood Changes.

Kidney cancer can affect the production of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, leading to anemia. Additionally, other changes in blood levels may occur, which can be detected through laboratory tests.

Importance of Early Diagnosis

Recognizing these symptoms is critical for early diagnosis. Kidney cancer diagnosed in its early stages has a greater chance of effective treatment and long-term survival.

It is vital to see a doctor if you notice one or more of these symptoms. Diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT), can confirm the presence of a tumor and help determine the course of treatment. Prevention through awareness of symptoms and timely consultation with a healthcare professional are the best defenses against kidney cancer.

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