Home » Monica Garcia: The New Minister of Health Bringing Change to Spain’s Healthcare System

Monica Garcia: The New Minister of Health Bringing Change to Spain’s Healthcare System

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Monica Garcia: The New Minister of Health Bringing Change to Spain’s Healthcare System

Mónica García to become the new Minister of Health

Mónica García, an anesthesiologist and leader of Más Madrid, is set to take over as the new Minister of Health, replacing José Miñones. This appointment marks the first time someone not affiliated with the PP or PSOE will assume the responsibility of leading the Ministry of Health.

García’s appointment comes at a time when the political landscape in Congress is highly fragmented and the conservative majority dominates the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System. Her appointment has historical significance, as never before has a person unrelated to PSOE or PP been the head of this Ministry.

García has been a vocal advocate for public health and has spoken out in favor of greater investment and plans to attract and retain health professionals. She has advocated for initiatives such as the 32-hour workday and the repeal of mandatory medical shifts.

Additionally, García has emphasized the need to address the lack of female representation in health management, highlighting the fact that women make up 70 percent of healthcare workers but are underrepresented in positions of responsibility.

Before entering politics, García was active in the defense of public health and was a member of the Association of Medical Specialists of Madrid (AFEM). She has also practiced as an anesthesiologist at the 12 de Octubre Hospital.

Her appointment is significant in the context of the current political climate, and she is poised to bring a fresh perspective to the Ministry of Health.

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