Home » Seize new opportunities and build new engines together – President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2nd Global Digital Trade Expo to gather new momentum for common development – News Channel – Zhongshan Net

Seize new opportunities and build new engines together – President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2nd Global Digital Trade Expo to gather new momentum for common development – News Channel – Zhongshan Net

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President Xi Jinping Sends Congratulatory Letter to 2nd Global Digital Trade Expo

President Xi Jinping recently sent a congratulatory letter to the 2nd Global Digital Trade Expo, underscoring the importance of seizing new opportunities and building new engines together for common development. The Expo, which has garnered enthusiastic responses from Chinese and foreign guests, aims to promote high-quality and sustainable development of global digital trade.

The letter, which provided important guidance for leveraging the role of the Digital Expo as a global public product, received positive feedback from various sectors. Zhu Yong, Director of the Department of E-Commerce and Information Technology of the Ministry of Commerce, emphasized the significance of the Expo platform in aligning with high-standard international economic and trade rules. Additionally, global senior vice president of Takeda Pharmaceuticals and president of Takeda China, Shan Guohong, noted the Expo’s value in facilitating discussions, cooperation, development, and result-sharing.

President Xi Jinping’s emphasis on China’s dedication to expanding its openness to the world resonated with participants, reinforcing their confidence in delving into the Chinese market. Leaders and representatives from different countries, including New Development Bank President Rousseff and Finnish Ambassador to China Meng Lan, also expressed optimism about the Expo’s potential to contribute to global economic growth.

The significant role of digital trade in various regions was also highlighted, with Zhejiang Province’s efforts to establish itself as a global digital trade center, and China’s impressive data output and digital economy scale. Furthermore, the Expo showcased the latest AI technologies and their potential to drive innovation and application in various industries, according to iFlytek Co., Ltd.

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Li Xiaolin, chairman of the China E-commerce Rural Revitalization Alliance, emphasized the role of the digital economy in promoting agricultural modernization and reaffirmed their commitment to leveraging digital technology for rural revitalization and agricultural assistance.

President Xi’s congratulatory letter has reinforced the commitment and enthusiasm of participants to work together in shaping the future of digital trade and embracing the evolving opportunities in the global economy. With China’s determination and leadership in digital trade, the Expo continues to be a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and advancement in the digital economy.

Editors: Zhou Yaping, Jiang Ping, Lai Yousheng

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