Home » Effect of the holistic Ayurvedic baby massage

Effect of the holistic Ayurvedic baby massage

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Effect of the holistic Ayurvedic baby massage

What benefits does Ayurvedic baby massage have for the babies and for mothers or for the whole family.

Ayurveda baby massage for parents

I have been teaching Ayurvedic baby massage for over 15 years. I learned this from an Ayurvedic doctor couple – and I am very grateful for it. The participants in the courses are parents who want to learn Ayurvedic baby massage in order to then practice it on their babies. I have also given many course leader training courses for Ayurveda practitioners, midwives and other people who work in the health sector.

I am often asked what benefits Ayurvedic baby massage has – for the baby – for the mother – for the whole family and the environment.

Here I will briefly describe the benefits, especially for the babies themselves, but also for the mothers. Basically, these are also advantages for the whole family.

Ayurvedic baby massage offers many benefits for babies. Here are some of them:

Promoting physical development:

The gentle touches and strokes of the massage can strengthen the baby’s muscles and support his physical development.

Improving blood circulation:

Massage improves blood circulation, which is important for healthy skin and good growth.

Strengthening the parent-child bond:

Massage provides a wonderful opportunity for parents to develop a deep emotional connection with their baby.

Calming and relaxation:

Baby massage can help soothe the baby, which is particularly useful for calming them and promoting better sleep.

Promotes digestion:

Gentle abdominal massages can help with digestion and relieve bloating or colic.

Sensory stimulation:

The different types of touch in the massage stimulate the baby’s sensory perceptions, which is important for their sensory development.

Strengthening the immune system:

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Regular massages can help strengthen the baby’s immune system and make him more resistant to illness.

Improvement of skin texture:

Using natural oils in Ayurvedic massage can help keep baby’s skin soft and supple. It also helps prevent skin problems such as dryness or flaking.

Stimulation of body awareness:

Through massage, babies learn to better perceive and recognize different parts of their body. This promotes their motor skills and body awareness.

Relieving Growing Pains:

Babies can sometimes experience growing pains. A gentle massage can help relieve this pain and provide comfort for the baby.

Regulation of sleep patterns:

Regular massages can help regulate baby’s sleep patterns and initiate calmer, deeper and longer sleep.

Positive emotional development:

The loving interaction during the massage contributes to the baby’s positive emotional development. They feel safe and loved, which is important for their overall emotional and psychological health.

Of course, these benefits highlight how holistic the benefits of Ayurvedic baby massage are, supporting physical as well as emotional and psychological aspects of the baby’s development.

Now the Ayurvedic baby massage also has great benefits for the mother – the family.

Sure – the massage has to be integrated into the daily routine, but if this is successful, then mom will quickly feel the benefits:

Deepening the parent-child bond:

The massage creates a deep, emotional connection between parents and child, which strengthens the bond, this applies to the baby, but also to the parents.

Stress relief:

The quiet, meditative moments of massage can be very relaxing for parents and help reduce stress and tension.

Improved Emotional Health:

This practice can help relieve or prevent postpartum depression by increasing parents’ well-being and mood.

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Increasing self-confidence:

Parents who actively participate in their baby’s care and well-being can develop increased confidence in their parenting skills.

Improving Hand-Eye Coordination:

The techniques of massage require and promote fine motor skills and coordination.

Promote understanding of baby’s needs:

Through regular physical contact, parents learn to better understand their baby’s signals and needs.

Improving communication skills:

Nonverbal communication during massage can help strengthen the relationship and communication between parent and child.

Increased awareness of your own health:

Engaging with Ayurvedic practices can encourage parents to also pay attention to their own health and well-being.

Time together with the baby:

The massage offers exclusive time for parents and child, which can be particularly valuable in an otherwise hectic everyday life. I have often experienced that the father or parents, if they were very busy professionally, find it painful afterwards if they did not take the time with and for the baby.

Learning a Useful Skill:

Learning massage techniques is a valuable skill that can be applied to other areas of child care.

Here I experience again and again that mothers in particular also book the course instructor training for Ayurvedic baby massage – because they also want to pass on this valuable knowledge.

Improving parents’ sleep quality:

By helping the baby soothe and sleep better, the massage can also benefit the parents from better sleep.

Increase in physical proximity:

This not only strengthens the bond, but can also improve the parents’ well-being through the positive effects of physical closeness.

Now I have created an online course for Ayurvedic baby massage especially for parents, in which I have incorporated my decades of experience so that you can easily learn this course at home.

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Online training is becoming more and more important – less stress when going back and forth to or from the course, scheduling your own time and, above all, much more detailed knowledge and a much better preparation of the documents – this is a knowledge database that participants can also access after the course .

And so that those interested can get an introduction to this course and get an idea of ​​how extensive and useful it is, you can book a small course here – which is free of charge

Click here for the introductory course on Ayurveda baby massage for parents…

The Wolfgang Neutzler Ayurveda School is an independent private school.

The headmaster of the School for Ayurveda, Wolfgang Neutzler, has been practicing as a naturopath with a focus on Ayurveda since 1985. As a coach, he supports people specifically in changing their diet and losing weight.

The focus of his work is online seminars and training. A quick and effective way to learn, especially these days, without travel costs and stress.

The following online offers are available: training to become an Ayurveda nutritionist, Ayurveda cooking courses, weight loss training, Ayurveda fasting week, course leader Ayurveda baby massage, pregnancy massage, Ayurveda constitution determination, Ayurveda massages, Ayurveda relaxation Trainer.

Wolfgang Neutzler is an author and co-author of 8 books, including 5 Ayurveda books.

The goal is to give many people access to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda – the knowledge of a healthy, long and happy life

Company contact
Ayurveda School Wolfgang Neutzler
Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025

Press contact
Wolfgang Neutzler
Oberfischbacher Str. 7
88677 Markdorf
0157 51271025


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