Home » Ministry of Public Security: The nationwide special campaign to combat cultural relics has achieved remarkable results, and more than 2,200 cases of cultural relics crimes have been detected

Ministry of Public Security: The nationwide special campaign to combat cultural relics has achieved remarkable results, and more than 2,200 cases of cultural relics crimes have been detected

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Ministry of Public Security: The nationwide special campaign against cultural relics has achieved remarkable results, and more than 2,200 cases of cultural relics crimes have been detected

Hangzhou Net release time: 2021-09-01 13:48

CCB Beijing, August 31, a reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that since the launch of the nationwide special campaign against cultural relics crimes last year, public security organs across the country have, in accordance with the unified deployment of the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security, and the cultural relics department have made heavy blows, fighting and preventing crimes against cultural relics. A vigorous offensive was launched, and more than 2,200 cultural relic crime cases were detected, more than 450 criminal gangs were destroyed, more than 4,500 criminal suspects were arrested, and a total of 58,000 cultural relics were recovered, and significant results were achieved in stages.

Over the past year, public security agencies across the country have innovated their methods of fighting, focusing on major and important cases, focusing on the theft and theft of stone carvings in cave temples, excavation of ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs, theft of ancient towers and other cultural relics and construction crimes, as well as targeting key cultural relics protection units or national treasures. Cultural relics and other crimes, the whole chain cracked down on various links such as theft, theft, reselling, transportation, sale of stolen goods, stolen goods, smuggling, etc. The major cases were frequently reported. Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places supervised the ministry. In-depth investigations were carried out, which effectively combated the arrogance of criminals. Under the continuous severe crackdown by the public security organs, the number of cultural relic crimes in 2020 has dropped to the lowest point since 2013, and the momentum of crime has been effectively curbed.

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In special operations, the public security organs have always taken the recovery of the cultural relics involved in the case as an important task, comprehensively sorting out the cultural logistics, and investigating and tracking them one by one. A total of 58,000 cultural relics were recovered, including more than 3,790 precious cultural relics. The number of cultural relics recovered in various places exceeds that since 20173 The total amount of cultural relics recovered in this special operation. At the same time, in order to effectively improve the level of public security prevention capabilities of cultural relics museum units, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration of Cultural Relics jointly formulated and issued the “Opinions on Strengthening Public Security Precautions of Cultural Relics Museum Units” to make overall arrangements for cultural relics and museums. Local public security organs and cultural relics departments have strengthened joint cooperation, strengthened the internal security work of cultural and cultural institutions, supervised the implementation of various systems and the construction of civil and physical defense technologies, carried out joint patrols, investigated potential safety hazards, and continued to enhance public security prevention capabilities.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security said that there are still many cases of cultural relics crimes. The Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration of Cultural Relics have decided to extend the nationwide special campaign against cultural relics crimes by one year. The public security organs will always maintain a high-pressure crackdown on all types of cultural relics crimes, and continue to promote special actions in conjunction with the cultural relics departments to severely crack down in accordance with the law to prevent the looting of ancient cultural sites and tombs, the theft of stone carvings in cave temples, the theft of ancient buildings and their components, the theft and destruction of revolution For cultural relics and other illegal and criminal activities, resolutely guard the red line, bottom line and lifeline of cultural relics’ safety. It is hoped that the general public will increase the awareness of cultural relics protection, actively participate in the protection of cultural relics, and jointly protect the safety of national cultural relics.

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(Original title: Ministry of Public Security: National Special Campaign to Combat Cultural Relic Crimes Achieved Significant Results, Detecting More than 2,200 Cultural Relic Crime Cases)

Source: Yangguang.com Author: Reporter Lin Mengxi Editor: Wang Jian

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