Home » 3 PNC agents, a child and a woman are injured in a new confrontation in a disputed area

3 PNC agents, a child and a woman are injured in a new confrontation in a disputed area

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3 PNC agents, a child and a woman are injured in a new confrontation in a disputed area

Armed Confrontation in Disputed Area Leaves Several Injured

A new armed confrontation occurred on December 4, 2023 in a disputed area between the Chirijox villages of Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán and the Xolcajá village of Nahualá, both municipalities of Sololá. This clash resulted in injured civilians and heightened tension in the region.

While the population has often cited territorial limits as the root cause of the problem, investigations have revealed that the area is also used for smuggling weapons, Mexican products, and possibly drugs. Despite President Alejandro Giammattei’s assurance of this information, the Public Ministry has denied the drug smuggling claim.

The conflict has already claimed the life of Lorenzo Tzoc Ajtzalam, a 55-year-old resident of the Chuisivel village in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán. Lorenzo was fatally wounded during an armed attack on October 4, 2023, as he and others were traveling towards a demonstration.

In the recent exchange of gunfire, three officers of the National Civil Police (PNC) sustained injuries. They were identified as Alfredo Armando González Oxlaj, Erickson Ovidio Ramírez Fuentes, and Óscar Humberto Santizo Ixcolín. All three are in stable condition and currently receiving medical treatment.

The Guatemalan Army conducted an evacuation operation to rescue the injured officers, who were injured during a security patrol and subsequent exchange of fire between residents of Nahualá and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán. The military’s armored vehicles were pivotal in ensuring the success of the operation.

In addition to the injuries sustained by the officers, two civilians were also wounded during the confrontation. A 7-year-old boy and an 18-year-old woman were admitted to local hospitals for treatment.

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The police continue to report daily shootings between residents of Nahualá and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, with both sides engaging in provocations. While the fight is believed to be about territorial limits, investigations have also revealed the prevalence of smuggling operations and potential drug trafficking in the area.

This recent confrontation highlights the escalating tensions in the region and the challenges faced by law enforcement in maintaining control. The presence of a military detachment has failed to fully quell the situation, and the influx of armed individuals and contraband continues to pose a threat to the area’s stability.

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