Home » Lampros Pitakoudis and Lindemans Aalst are wary: “It would be stupid to underestimate Guibertin” (Aalst)

Lampros Pitakoudis and Lindemans Aalst are wary: “It would be stupid to underestimate Guibertin” (Aalst)

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© Gregory Van Gansen



With the arrival of Guibertin, there is actually a top match on the program in Schotte tomorrow evening. Lindemans Aalst shares fourth place with Achel, but the Walloon Brabanders are one step higher and share second place with Haasrode-Leuven.

Guibertin was consistently found near the bottom of the rankings in previous seasons. But coach Wannes Rosiers’ team took full advantage of the poor start of many clubs. The many veterans – including Simon Van de Voorde and Gert Van Walle, both ex-Aalst – can play uninhibited.

“I was told that Guibertin is an amateur club that only trains three times a week,” says Aalst midfielder Lampros Pitakoudis. “I’ve never played against them, but if you look at their results, it would be stupid to underestimate that team. We won’t do that either. After our impressive victories against VHL and Maaseik, a home defeat would be a serious anticlimax.”

The 21-year-old Greek played an important role in the latest victories. “Like many of my teammates, I started the season hesitantly. Everything was new to me and it took a while before I found my way. But that is already working much better and I am happy that I can contribute.”

Greek power and speed

The 2m03 tall middle player came over from the Austrian vice-champion Aich/Dobb. “I wanted to go to a competition where the teams are more evenly matched. That is certainly the case in Belgium. Aalst means a step forward for me.”

Pitakoudis grew up in eastern Greece, near the Turkish border. “I actually only started playing volleyball when I was 15. Before that I played basketball, but a volleyball coach asked me to give it a try. I liked it and although I have only been playing the game for about five years, I have already made a lot of progress.”

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The Greek has a heavy serve and is strong offensively. “That is typical for Greek volleyball, which is more based on power and speed. In Belgium the game is a bit slower and the emphasis is more on technique. I still have a lot of work to do, but that is why I came to Aalst, to become a better volleyball player.”

Because Aalst still only has two middle men, Pitakoudis and his colleague Alex Saaremaa must always be ready. “So far it has worked,” said the Greek. “But of course we also hope that Hiago Crins will return as soon as possible. He can provide added value.”

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