Home » Dr. Uranio starts his activity as a general practitioner in Bagnolo Piemonte from 13 September – Targatocn.it

Dr. Uranio starts his activity as a general practitioner in Bagnolo Piemonte from 13 September – Targatocn.it

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Following the termination of the activity of general practitioner under agreement with the Municipality of Bagnolo Piemonte of Dr. Eraldo Garello, from 1 June the procedures for the assignment of a provisional “replacement” assignment, to temporarily guarantee assistance to citizens already in charge of Dr. Garello, pending the definitive insertion of a doctor with an indefinite term.

The implementation of these procedures was particularly complex due to the very serious shortage of available qualified doctors, and to ensure continuity of care for those enrolled in the lists of Dr Garello, after the provisional identification of Dr. Margheron, the temporary assignment was necessary. notwithstanding the three general practitioners operating in the Municipality of Bagnolo, Dr Bruno Danilo, Dr Giovanni Chiappero and Dr Devalis Maria.

Thanks to the commitment of the services and the availability of the doctor, Dr. Frame Uranium as a new doctor temporarily in charge of following the patients previously under the care of Dr. Garello who have not yet chosen another GP available.

Therefore, from 13 September Dr. URANIUM will carry out his activity as a general practitioner in temporary charge at:

Bagnolo Piemonte – district headquarters at IPAB “D. Bertone ”corso V. Emanuele 32 (tel. 347 6938861): Monday from 9.00 to 12.00, Tuesday 15/18, Wednesday 14/17, Thursday 16/19, Friday 9/12.

It should be noted that, starting from that date, the patients previously treated by Dr. Garello who have not yet made the choice of another available doctor, will be temporarily assigned to Dr. Uranio, without having to go to the district counters. , in order to guarantee continuity of care, without prejudice to the freedom of choice of another doctor with availability of places, according to the methods in use.

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At the multifunctional desk it will be possible to have information about the availability of choice for GPs already operating in the area, as well as to know the clinic hours; the same timetables can also be consulted on the ASL CN1 website under the heading The ASL for Citizens – Family Doctors and Pediatricians “

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