Home » Mega operation in Ecuador: the president of the Judicial Council, the former anti-narcotics director and other officials were arrested

Mega operation in Ecuador: the president of the Judicial Council, the former anti-narcotics director and other officials were arrested

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Mega operation in Ecuador: the president of the Judicial Council, the former anti-narcotics director and other officials were arrested

Ecuador Launches Largest Anti-Corruption and Drug Trafficking Operation in History

The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office, in collaboration with the National Police, carried out over 75 raids in the early hours of December 14 in what is being called the “largest operation in history against corruption and drug trafficking,” according to Attorney General Diana Salazar. The raids resulted in the detention of 29 individuals, including the president of the Judicial Council of Ecuador, Wilman Terán, and the former Police General, Pablo Ramírez, among others.

The case, dubbed “Metastasis,” began after the murder of drug trafficker Leandro Norero in an Ecuadorian prison. The investigation revealed indications of a criminal structure embedded within all levels of the state and directly linked to drug trafficking.

According to Salazar, the detained individuals had “money obtained from illegal activities and located corrupt officials who carried out their (judicial) processes to obtain undue advantages in a system consumed by the cancer of corruption.”

In a video released in the early morning, Salazar described the Metastasis case as a clear example of how drug trafficking has infiltrated state institutions, using illegal money to influence judicial and political proceedings and achieve impunity.

As part of the preventive measures, Salazar indicated that the government was warned about a potential escalation of violence in response to the operations, urging the country to be prepared and not allow any form of extortion by criminal groups.

The raids spanned across several provinces in Ecuador and required the intervention of 900 individuals from tax and police teams. In Quito, Attorney General Diana Salazar participated in the raid on the Judiciary Council building in the north of the city.

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The investigation also revealed potential obstruction of justice and irregularities in judicial processes. Wilman Terán, along with other members of the Judiciary Council, is being investigated for obstruction of justice.

Rafael Correa, the former President of Ecuador, raised concerns about the operation aimed at obstructing the competition process of the Judicial Council, which is currently undergoing a partial renewal contest for seven judges of the National Court of Justice.

Despite the backlash, the Judicial Council expressed disapproval with Teran’s arrest, dismissing it as part of a “campaign of discredit and attack” against the Judicial Branch.

The situation is rapidly evolving, and more details are expected to emerge as the investigation progresses.

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